Sunday, January 23, 2011

Calls for Civility Don't Apply To Abortion

More Americans die each year in the backrooms of clinics than on the battlefields. Cancer and heart disease, combined, claim fewer victims annually. Yet these deaths are never reported in the media, never mentioned by the President and never mourned in public. They are the forgotten, the unprotected, the shunned.

These victims are the millions of babies aborted each year in the United States. Your tax dollars help fund many of the clinics where the abortions are performed. A study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute documented the chilling facts most Americans either choose to ignore or hope to bury:

1. More than 1.2 million babies are aborted each year. That's 3,288 every day.
2. Only one percent of all abortions are performed because of rape and incest.
3. About 47 percent of all women who have abortions will have two or more.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than 500,000 abortions are done each year after the eighth week of pregnancy. Sadly, 55 abortions are performed every day on women carrying a child five months or older, the department's statistics show. Not even the most ardent pro-choice advocate can claim these are "fetuses."

Today marks the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion. Until that ruling in 1973, abortion was not legal in most states. The court case put the country's stamp of approval on ending the lives of millions of unborn babies.

In marking the anniversary, President Obama said in a statement that the "government should not intrude on private family matters" in supporting the court decision. His remark ranks as the height of hypocrisy, since the President's health care law inserts the government in medical decisions previously reserved for families.

While the President and his echo chamber in the news media clamor for more civility, it appears that courtesy and politeness do not extend to the treatment of unborn babies in America.

It is indeed a sad day in our country when the true test of civility--how we treat the most vulnerable among us--goes unsupported by the President, by most in his political party and by the amoral news media.

Words mean nothing. Action speaks the loudest when it comes to civility. As long as the unborn have no rights to life and liberty, calls for civility are nothing more than political double-speak.

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