Saturday, October 29, 2011

Phony Budget Baloney

Phony budget deals orchestrated months ago in the holy name of compromise have failed to derail the big spenders in Washington.  In the fiscal year that ended last month, the federal government spent more than $3.6 trillion, breaking U.S. records for budget busting excess. 

The spending binge topped the previous mark of $3.52 trillion in 2009 that was posted by the Democrat-controlled Congress and the party's leader President Obama.   Last year's spending ogre was 4.2 percent higher than the 2010 budget. 

This must be news to most Americans who thought the country had ushered in a new era of fiscal austerity.  The truth is taxpayers have been duped by both Republicans and Democrats, who were aided and abetted by the mainstream media's coverage.
In the last fiscal year, the Belt Way Bunch added another $1.3 trillion to the federal deficit.  This marks two years of record deficit spending that was touted as necessary to promote economic recovery.  Does anyone believe Washington has purchased economic prosperity?

To pay for its reckless spending, the government borrowed billions of dollars, raising the nation's interest payments on its debt by 16.7 percent.  This growth in servicing the debt accounted for the largest percentage increase in last year's federal budget.

Meanwhile, Obama and Team Democrat have continued to demand increases in tax revenues to solve the deficit problem.  However, this ignores the fact that federal tax receipts grew by 6.5 percent in fiscal 2011.  Taxpayers are sending more money to Washington, but the government is spending it faster than the Internal Revenue Service can empty our wallets.   

As Washington has continued to borrow to finance spending, the nation's debt has spiraled to a historic level of $14.8 trillion.  That works out to $132,435 per taxpayer.  In just a single day, the government piled on another $238 billion in debt, the largest one day increase in the nation's long history.  That occurred on August 3 moments after the ink dried on the agreement to lift the debt ceiling.

For their part, President Obama and his Washington regime have continued to falsley blame George Bush for the mountain of debt.  During Bush's last two years as president, Washington added $618 billion in debt, according to the Office of Management and Budget.  Obama doubled that amount in just the last fiscal year.

Despite their claims to the contrary, Obama and Democrat Party lawmakers have no intention of curtailing government spending.  The so-called super committee formed after the budget deal is nothing more than another Washington charade.  Committees are an excuse to defer tough budget decisions.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office has forecast that the country will run up another $1.1 trillion in deficit spending for fiscal 2012.  That would mark three consecutive years of deficits of more than $1 trillion.  Before Obama became president, single year deficits had never approached $1 trillion.

The country's mood has turned sour over the excessive spending.  A recent poll by The Hill newspaper found that 69 percent of Americans believe the country is in decline.  More than 8 in 10 Americans are worried about the country.

As the polls indicate, Americans are fed up with the deceit and duplicity in Washington. They are demanding real budget reform, not more counterfeit compromises that only offer the illusion of fiscal responsibility. 



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