Monday, September 10, 2012

How Obama Can Win In November

Psssst.  Press your ear to the computer.  Here's a secret no Republican wants to share.  It will help Barrack Obama secure a second term. Lean closer.  Don't let any Democrats listen in.  This is how the president can win the election.   Scare the hell out of those receiving government assistance.

Of course, this is not a new strategy for the Democratic Party.  Every election cycle the party of donkeys accuses Republicans of trying to shove granny off the cliff or push the poor into a ditch or strip women of their health care benefits.  It's what desperate Democrats do.

However, in this election year with dependence on the government at record levels, expect the rhetoric to ratchet up.  Nearly one in five Americans receives some form of government financial support. And their numbers are mushrooming under the Obama Administration. That's no coincidence.

When John F. Kennedy was president, 21.7 million Americans were dependent on Uncle Sam.  Today, the number of people getting some form of federal aid has nearly quintupled to 100 million recipients, excluding those on Social Security or Medicare.

Figures released by the Democratic-controlled Senate Budget Committee in August calculated there were 80 different means-tested welfare programs administered by the federal government.  The roles of food stamp and Medicaid recipients have swollen under President Obama, according to the report.

As a result, the federal government is now spending the most money in the country's history to subsidize Americans.  It is the reason 70 percent of the federal budget is dedicated to government assistance programs for housing, health, welfare, food, retirement and student aid.

According to a Heritage Foundation study, it is conceivable that the average individual who relies on Washington could receive benefits valued at $32,748 annually.  That is more than the nation's average disposable personal income of $32,446.  Is it any wonder more people prefer the government  dole to a job?

The growth in government dependency will continue to explode as more baby boomers retire.  In excess of 77 million seniors will begin drawing checks for Social Security in the next 25 years and receiving benefits from Medicare.

But don't blame seniors because they were forced to pay into the bankrupt system.  They played by the rules.  Sizable numbers will never get back every dime they forked over to a government that borrowed from the Social Security System and left it with nothing but a pile of paper IOU's.

The real moochers are those who contribute zero to fund federal giveaways.  About 46 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax, reports the Tax Policy Center.  Yet many are receiving government benefits.  They are the people President Obama never mentions when he waxes eloquently about taxes and fairness.

In the coming weeks, expect Obama to claim that Romney wants to take away Social Security, force students to pay back government loans, end health care benefits for the sick and dying, jerk food from the mouths of babies and toss the poor out of their government subsidized housing.

If that doesn't tilt the election, the president can always use the ultimate weapon.

Obama can shake his fist and declare:  "Under Romney's idea of fairness, nearly every American will have to pay taxes."  That will frighten nearly half of all Americans enough to produce a November victory.

To plagiarize President John F. Kennedy, America has too many people who want to know what government can do for them, instead of asking what they can do for their country.

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