Monday, January 14, 2013

Guns And Hypocrisy

Vice President Joe Biden, who has often been guilty of shooting himself in the foot, is the perfect impostor to lead the president's phony gun control commission.  No one has been more hypocritical than Biden on the issue.  That's saying a lot because there's a tsunami of speciousness on banning guns.

Biden admitted on April 26, 2007, at a senate hearing that he kept a gun in his home.  While serving as a senator, Biden voted "no" on May 11, 1999, on a motion that would have required sales at gun shows be completed by federally licensed dealers.  That same year Biden opposed increasing mandatory penalties for the illegal transfer or use of firearms. 

Biden isn't the only politician who has been two-faced on gun control.

California Senator Diane Feinstein, a shrill proponent of banishing guns, confessed at a senate hearing in 1995 that she acquired a gun for her protection after an attempt by terrorists from the New World Liberation Army to bomb her home.  

"I carried a concealed weapon and I made the determination if somebody was going try to take me out, I was going to take them with me," Feinstein growled at the hearing.  Soon after her confession, the duplicitous Californian called for an "outright ban" on gun ownership.

Add President Obama's name to the shameful list of sanctimonious charlatans.

After the horrific carnage at the Sandy Hook elementary school, the president rushed to join in the chorus for gun control legislation. When the president of the National Rifle Association (NRA), raised the specter of armed guards at the nation's schools, Obama demurred.

The president certainly feels differently when his own daughters are involved.  There are no less than 11 armed security guards on duty at all times at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where his daughters are enrolled.   And the school has advertised for more guards.

Obama also has lied about his stance on guns.  In 1996, then Illinois senate candidate Obama answered "yes" to a survey asking if he supported legislation to "ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns."  However, he backtracked in the 2008 presidential campaign, claiming an "aide" filled out the form, even though it was later confirmed the answers on the document were in his handwriting.

No wonder many Americans distrust the president's intentions on the gun issue.  Many believe the Biden commission is nothing more than a convenient way for Obama to appear open minded on the matter, covering up his own extremist views on gun ownership.    

Incidents like the Sandy Hook massacre are reminders of America's culture of violence that has been fed by homicidal video games, movies, rap songs and television shows.  Killing too often is glorified.  Most people ignore the siren call of violence, while a few succumb to its allure.

If banning weapons would end killings, most informed Americans would support gun control measures.  However, they need look no further than our neighbor to the south, Mexico, to understand the futility of regulation.

During the 1960's, Mexico approved strict gun ownership laws, prohibiting private citizens from carrying a firearm or a concealed weapon.  There is only one legal gun store in all of Mexico.  Yet Mexico has three times the murders as the U.S., even though our population is three times larger.

There is no credible evidence that gun ownership promotes violence.  Switzerland has three times as many gun owners as Germany, but significantly fewer murders per 1,000 residents.  New Zealand and Finland have low murder rates, yet their citizens are among the best armed.

Most informed Americans understand that knee-jerk legislation or ill-conceived executive orders cannot shield us from murder and mayhem.   Gun laws may make some feel safer, but regulations will never accomplish the objective of ending murder and mass killings.

Legislation cannot rid the world of evil.  Hypocritical politicians refuse to acknowledge this truth.  Instead, they play on public emotion and fear to appeal to the uninformed while the compliant media swaddles gun control advocates in moral superiority.

Victims of the Sandy Hook shooting deserve better from the nation's leaders.    

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