Monday, April 8, 2013

What You Don't Know About Obama Care Will Make You Sick

As surely as the sun rises every morning, each new dawn brings more distressing reports about Obama Care.  New taxes, new problems and new costs are brought to light daily.  With each revelation, the health care law appears more flawed and less likely to deliver on President Obama's promises.

Even some Democrats are starting to worry.  The Senate recently gave sweeping approval for repeal of a tax on medical devices, a key component of the comprehensive health overhaul.  In a bi-partisan vote, the Senate dealt a 79-20 a blow to the Obama Administration's tax provision.

Here are just a sampling of other recent news that has rocked the law, created, designed and approved by Democrats in 2010:
  1. A new 3.8 percent tax will be levied this year on investment income.  The provision is projected to produce more than $100 billion over a 10-year period.  The tax, intended to furnish the bulk of the health care funding, will be applied on top of the 20 percent tax on investment income from dividends and capital gains.  Individual taxpayers and households with incomes above $200,000 to $250,000, respectively, will be subject to the tax.  
  2. A University of Chicago study released recently found that over half of the individual insurance plans on the market today do not meet Obama Care standards. The reason is the new law sets minimums for coverage of services, including medication, mental health care and maternity.  This means that unless there are changes in plans offered by individual health insurers, these people will not be able to keep their current insurance plan.  That was a key selling point to promote Obama Care.
  3. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released a new projection, estimating that the nation's health care costs will increase by $1.3 trillion between 2013 and 2023.  This contradicts President Obama's claims that the health care scheme would reduce costs over the long haul.  The CBO also has forecast that the average family will see its insurance premiums increase by $2,100 annually.  Democrats contended the law would decrease premiums by $2,500. In addition, the CBO expects 30 million people to remain uninsured in 2016, even after the law is fully implemented.  
  4. The Obama Administration has quietly issued a draft copy of an insurance application that runs 60 pages and requires about 1,000 answers.  That's just the federal form.  The states will also have their own applications. Obama Care was supposed to simplify insurance for consumers. It will be a red-tape nightmare for average Americans.  In fact, there is a plan afoot in Washington to hire "tens of thousands" of so-called "navigators" to help consumers fill out the forms.  The hush-hush scheme envisions a gargantuan bureaucracy to be staffed by well-paid members of unions and community activists.  
It is becoming increasingly clear that Americans were sold down the river by Democrats who were hell bent on taking over the private health care system and replacing it with a government bureaucracy. Obama Care won't cover everyone, won't reduce costs, won't improve health care, but will raise every American's taxes.

Now that the truth is emerging about Obama Care concerned Americans must no longer remain silent.  The law must be repealed, defunded or overturned in court to derail a hijacking of the world's best medical care system.  The future of health care in the U.S. depends on it.    

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