Monday, May 19, 2014

Climate Change: Propaganda and Fear Mongering

President Obama's recent announcement of an initiative on the environment was newsworthy not for his eloquence, but for what he didn't say.  Not once during his magisterial discourse did he utter the words "global warming."  In fact, he avoided the term as if it was a Fox News reporter.

Instead, Obama preached about the looming calamity of climate change.  His chose his words carefully because the earth is no longer warming as many scientists had forecast just a decade ago.  In response, the voices of doom have a new hypothesis: man is causing dramatic changes in the climate.

They will get no argument that the climate is changing.  It is well-documented that the earth has undergone dramatic periods of cooling and heating over billions of years. However, these pseudo scientists now proclaim the Earth is in a static state so any shift in weather patterns is cause for alarm.

Every snow melt, tornado, flood or drought is attributed to greenhouse gases, fossil emissions or other man-made pollution. Never mind that the the planet has suffered the ravages of violent and erratic weather since its galactic birth.

These same climate scaremongers were apoplectic over climate models that only recently showed the earth was overheating at a rate that would spark an environmental meltdown like the world has never witnessed.  Too bad nature intervened and the warming subsided.

Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) satellite data confirms that average temperatures worldwide have not risen since 1997. Yet in 2001 and again in 2007, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated world temperatures would rise 0.2 degrees centigrade per decade because of greenhouse gases.

Independent analyses of climate data shows that most of the warming occurred between 1980 and 1997.  During that time the planet warmed up by about 0.4 degrees centigrade.  That has not deterred global warming zealots armed with discredited mathematical models to dispute the evidence.

The Chicken Little Crowd is now blaming the cooling on a combination of ozone depletion and increased greenhouse gases. However, these same climate extremists also singled out those two forces to explain the warming of the planet.

Ironically, those who employ such disreputable science are the same environmental anarchists who mock their detractors with derogatory terms such as climate denier or junk science practitioner.

More scientists are stepping out of the academic shadows to rebut the radical climate activists despite the threat of vicious personal attacks. That includes Dr. David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.  After reviewing the latest scientific data, here is Dr. Whitehouse's conclusion:

"It is a demonstration that science is not settled and there are great uncertainties in our understanding of the greenhouse (effect)," he said.  "We are at the point where the temperature standstill is becoming the dominant feature of the post 1980's warming."

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore, who resigned from the environmental organization in 1986, went even further.  "There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the earth's atmosphere over the past 100 years."

However, the climate fanatics continue to insist that science is on their side of the argument.  The liberal Slate magazine declared there is "no scientific controversy" over climate change.  Its editors wrote, "Climate change denial is purely 100 percent made-up political and corporate sponsored crap."

The magazine's opinion is illustrative of the frenzied media campaign to brainwash the public.  Their goal is to program Americans to believe destruction of the Earth is imminent without intrusive government regulations.   It helps their crusade that most people have no science education.

Obama and his global warming torchbearers understand the political and social dynamics.  Doing something good for the environment, even if the costs outweigh the benefits, appeals to many uniformed altruists.  Obama and his ilk prey on people's desire to be seen as good stewards of the planet.

Dr. Leslie Woodcock, a senior research consultant at NASA's Wright-Patterson Air Force Laboratory, has studied the climate change phenomenon for decades.  He eviscerates the so-called green lobby for creating misinformation based on unsubstantiated assertions about global warming.

"If you talk to real scientists who have no political interests, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming.  It's an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people," he insisted.

Many scientists have a vested financial interest in fomenting climate change panic.  They receive millions in grant money from business and political sources with agendas to influence scientists to substantiate their premise of global warming.   Unfortunately, many professors and climatologists are willing to practice scientific voodoo for their own gain.

Polls show that many Americans have not been swayed by the eco-elitist climate hysteria.  Those findings offer hope that common sense and sound scholarship will triumph over the ideological nonsense that masquerades today as environmental science.

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