Monday, July 28, 2014

Democrats Battle Cry: Republicans Hate Women

Saddled with an increasingly unpopular president, a pedestrian economy and a loathsome health care law, Democrats are desperate to find an issue to avoid the carnage of another mid-term election.   Unless they are successful, Republicans will tighten their grip on the House and claim the Senate.

Faced with dire electoral prospects, strategists in the Democrat Party have hatched a plan to trot out a tried-and-true false accusation: "Republicans have declared war on women."  The evil GOP wants to control a woman's reproductive organs, dictate their sexual behavior and steal their free contraceptives.    

It is easy to dismiss this Democrat obsession with a woman's libido as nothing more than political skulduggery.  However, Republicans cannot shrink from rebutting the charges.  In 2012, the presidential election tilted to Obama on the basis of the female vote.

According to Gallup polling, Republican Mitt Romney won 44 percent of the women's vote while Obama racked up 56 percent.  Romney took the male vote 54 to 46 percent. The 20-point gender gap represented the largest ever recorded since Gallup began compiling the vote by subgroups in 1952.

Hoping to capitalize on that success, Democrat operatives will fan out across the country arming their candidates with attack ads that portray their GOP opponents as Neanderthals who want to enslave women.  As preposterous as the charge sounds, many women are inclined to believe the rhetoric.

Unfortunately, Republicans have only themselves to blame.  Too many candidates carrying the GOP banner have waded into the abortion quicksand and been swallowed up by their own stupidity. Ill advised comments about rape, sexual promiscuity and female reproduction have soured women voters.

Republicans have often taken the abortion bait dangled by Democrats. GOP candidates should make it their mantra to refer to the Supreme Court decision on abortion.  Nothing more needs to be or should be said.  It seems imbecilic to focus a campaign on abortion when the world is imploding.

If Democrats want to debate abortion, then Republicans can turn the issue back on their opponents.  In overwhelming numbers, females are against late term abortions.  Witness last year's grisly trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.  No abortion-rights advocate leaped to his defense.

Only the Democrat far left believes crushing a baby's skull in mid-delivery is justified.  The rest of the nation, including most women, are horrified by the prospect.

Abortion is just one issue Democrats will employ to flummox Republicans. Expect the party of donkeys to bray about the gender pay gap and tie it to the minimum wage hike opposed by Republicans. Although the two are separate issues, that won't stop Democrats from linking them.

A Pew Research analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics found that minimum wage earners are predominantly women: 62% versus 38% who are men.  However, they represent less than three percent of all workers.  Already, 21 states have adopted higher minimum wage laws than the federal level.

Each state should have the right to decide the minimum wage in their locality based on living costs, economic conditions and prevailing pay scales.  The federal government has no business telling a Texas cafe owner the appropriate wage for a waitress. Republicans should support each state's right to decide.

On the larger issue, equal pay is federal law.  Every Republican should support the same pay for women and men.  Companies that allow a disparity in pay should be prosecuted with the full force of the law. The gap persists because the government has sat on its hands instead of enforcing the law.

Ironically, some of the biggest offenders are the same Hollywood crowd that opens its wallets to Democrats.  The Women's Media Center recently issued its third annual report on the Status of Women in the U.S. Media.  The results were eyeopening.

The report found women represented just 28.8 percent of the roles in the top grossing films , held just 16 percent of the movie executive jobs and the top 16 paid actors were all men. In other media, such as talk radio and television, women are lower paid and less visible than their male counterparts.

Of course, the biggest hypocrite is President Obama.  Data released by the White House in July shows men on Team Obama are paid an average of 13 percent more than women.  This gap has not shrunk one iota since Obama strutted into the White House in 2009.  

Republicans have an opportunity in the mid-term elections to bury the myth of the party's war on women by supporting the things most females care about.  More jobs.  Equal pay.  Advancement opportunities.  Family security.

Let the Democrats prattle about a woman's anatomy.  They view women as nothing more than helpless victims whose only goals in life are free abortions and contraceptives.  If Republicans offer an alternative message, intelligent women will support their candidates.

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