Monday, October 13, 2014

ISIS: World's Bloodiest, Brutal Savages

The world has come to know the the blood thirsty jihadists savaging Iraqi citizens as the Islamic State.  But that nom de guerre has lulled many into believing their cause is about religion when in fact they are the worst barbaric scourge to be unleashed on the world since Nazi Germany.

While the American media debates whether to call the thugs ISIS or ISIL, news outlets in this country have failed in their duty to document the sheer evil of men who ruthlessly rape women and children, slaughter entire villages of people and commit all manner of horrific atrocities.

Forget the acronym feud.  These are cold-blooded killers who use Islam as an excuse to destroy towns, unmercifully attack schools and demolish hospitals.  They behead, crucify, amputate and disfigure their victims.  The cruelty of these butchers knows no human bounds.

The news media in other countries, especially the United Kingdom, have published pictures and posted disturbing videos online to show the depth of these killers' savagery.  One peek at these images would repulse most Americans.  But people need to view the horror to appreciate the hateful curse of ISIS.

In one graphic video, a vicious mob operating under the cover of darkness knocks on the door of a Sunni police major in Iraq.  When the policeman answers, the gangsters blindfold and handcuff the startled victim.  Then they carve off his head with a knife as the cameras capture the ghoulish scene.

Another demonic video shows about 15 Iraqi young men frog-marched to a ditch, hands bound behind their backs.  The victims are forced to kneel.  Then a firing squad of about 20 triggermen discharge a barrage of AK-47 gunfire.  Their execution complete, the murderers hoist their weapons in celebration.

These depraved killings have gone unreported in the U.S. because the media do not want to inflame Americans, most of whom currently do not support using ground troops against these heartless killers. When the beheading of an American journalist fueled patriotic anger, the media switched tactics.

For the most part, the American media now have chosen to cover the carnage by relying on the sanitized  Department of State briefings from spokesperson Jen Psaki, the queen of obfuscation and sophistry. Her ambiguity is eclipsed only by her equivocation.

It is a sad state of affairs when the United Nations publishes more reliable information about the deadly campaign than the United States government.

The UN  estimates that 9,341 civilians have been murdered and 17,386 wounded in the bloody offensive that has terrorized Iraqi since the year began.  These figures do not include the killings in the bloodstained provinces in Syria where ISIS controls large swathes of territory.

The UN High Commission for Human Rights has documented countless depraved acts and abuses from the war-torn area in Iraq.   For instance, as many as 2,500 women and children have been captured, subjected to sexual attacks and sold into slavery for $10 a head by extremist militants.

The commission has uncovered what it calls increasing attacks against Christians and Muslins.  One eyewitness in the village of Kobani in Syria told UN investigators of "women being raped and their hearts cut out of their chests and left on the tops of their bodies."

In addition, there have been confirmed reports of mass execution sites and makeshift graves, according to Human Rights Watch. Many of the dead were sadistically gunned down for refusing to renounce their faith.  Implausibly, not one single prominent Muslin leader has condemned the violence.

The killing wastelands of Iraq and Syria stand as an indictment of America's lack of willingness to engage an enemy that has publicly vowed to destroy this nation.  The Islamic State, or whatever euphemism you want to call these cut throats, should be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

The world cannot stand by while women, children and men are exterminated.  Humankind did once before and 6 million Jews perished at the hands of evil madmen.  How high must the death toll rise before America and the world act decisively to rid the the planet of this latest terror?

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