Monday, November 3, 2014

Boko Haram: The Real War on Women

The kidnappings, rape and torture of women in Nigeria continues unabated, despite the Obama Administration's ballyhooed #BringBackOurGirls crusade on social media.  Apparently, Islamic terrorists are not easily swayed by fustian hashtag slogans and waspish tweets on Twitter.

The silly campaign has failed to stem the wave of violence unleashed by the militant Islamist group Boko Haram operating in Africa's most populous country.  These Muslin savages target Christian women and girls, threatening them with death and torture if they refuse to convert to Islam.

Human Rights Watch, an international organization that chronicles abuses, estimates that Boko Haram has killed at least 2,053 civilians in an about 95 attacks since the first half of this year.  The religious mob has abducted more than 500 women and girls since 2009.

After a video was released in April showing 276 kidnapped girls, First Lady Michelle Obama championed the drive to declare hashtag war on Boko Haram as a way of calling attention to their utter disregard for human nights.  The terrorists were unmoved by the social media uproar. 

Since that sophomoric movement was launched, Boko Haram has stepped up its reign of terror in Nigeria.  Reports documenting escalating violence and abuse have surfaced in recent weeks from women and girls who escaped from secret forest camps where they were imprisoned.

The Nigerian girls recounted chilling episodes of physical torture, rape and forced marriages.  In some cases, the girls were used as bait to lure Christian men to their death at the hands of Boko Haram goons. Other victims were forced to take part in attacks led by their captors.

The terrorist organization has been around since 2009 when it launched military operations against the Nigerian government with the goal of establishing an Islamic state in Nigeria, home to 121 million Muslims.  The adherents of Islam represent 70 percent of the nation's population.

The name Boko Haram is loosely translated as "Western Education is Forbidden," which helps explain why it wants to stop girls from attending school.  According to intelligence reports, Boko Haram receives support from al Qaeda affiliates in Africa, including money, weapons and training.  

Aububakar Shekau is the spiritual and military leader of the thuggish group.  Not much is known about this ruthless insurgent, who has earned a $7 million bounty on his head, courtesy of the U.S. government.  His history may be cloaked in mystery, but his cruelty is legendary.

For example, a video clip appeared of him yucking it up as he admitted kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls earlier this year. Shekau glared into the camera lens and defiantly stated:

"I abducted your girls.  I will sell them in the market, by Allah.  I will sell them off and marry them off."  By all accounts, he has been true to his heinous threat.

The terrorists certainly have nothing to fear from the Obama Administration.  Unless, of course, the bloodthirsty killers are intimidated by hashtags and empty threats. For an administration that has opposed the "war on women," their response in this case has not matched their outrage.

Meanwhile, Boko Haram continues to inflict punishment on innocent civilians.  Just a few weeks ago, the gangsters abducted another 80 girls and women, who are condemned to endure unspeakable suffering.  The administration's silence over this latest tragedy is deafening.

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