Friday, January 9, 2015

The Cowards in the Media and The White House

After the barbaric murders of staff members of a French satire weekly, the American news media and its president issued perfunctory expressions of outrage.  But their words were followed not by action, but by silent surrender because they were intimidated by Islamic extremism.

Big Media and its prophet Barrack Obama chose the coward's path instead of taking a courageous course.  It was a shameful performance that leaves every American wondering if free speech is no longer cherished in the nation that enshrined the principal in the First Amendment to the Constitution.

After the bloodbath in Paris, leading American news media outlets went to great pains to show their solidarity with the murdered French cartoonists and journalists.  However, none were willing to print or display the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad that ignited the Islamic outrage.

They were frightened into submission by the Islamic assassins.  The offending cartoon appeared on a few online sites, but it was banned from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, the Associated Press, The Boston Globe, ABC, NBC and most other mainstream media outlets.

These pious hypocrites, who have no problem mocking Jesus or God, were muzzled by political correctness and cowardice.  The editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer spoke for most media organizations with its fainthearted claim that it was a bad idea to run a cartoon "gratuitously insulting" Muslims.

Some media outlets, such as the gutless Financial Times, went so far as to blame the French satirical paper for baiting French Muslims with its reckless portrayal of Mohammad.  It seems freedom of press does not extend to depictions of Islamic leaders.

Yet this same pack of journalistic pacifists harrumphed when North Korea vowed to censor the showing of a movie about the country's lunatic leader.  They railed against suppression of free speech and savaged Sony Pictures for pulling the movie, "The Interview" from theaters.

These same charlatans showcase deliberately provocative photos and cartoons of those who protest abortion, same-sex marriage or gun rights.  They insult Americans who want to pray in public.  They ridicule displays of crucifixes, the Ten Commandments or the bible.  

But they won't cross the line when it comes to the Muslim Prophet Mohammad.  Americans have a right to view the cartoon that led to the slaughter of innocents and make up their own minds about its decency.  Instead, the spineless media caved and let terrorists dictate journalistic standards.

The partisan media's sympathizer-in-chief President Obama spoke about the brutal killings with all the passion of a person discussing a neighbor's unsightly yard sign.  In his monologue delivered for the benefit of television cameras, not once did the president use the term "Islamic terrorists."

This president has an aversion for mouthing the words "terrorists" and "Islamic" in the same sentence much less linking them together.  Yet even the news media referred to the cold-blooded killers as "Islamist gunmen" or "Jihadist terrorists."

But President Obama refuses to acknowledge the threat of Islamic extremists who are spreading terror throughout the world. No country can win a war against the cancer of religious-inspired violence unless it first recognizes the enemy.  The world's adversaries are Muslim fanatics who kill in the name of Allah.

In Obama's world view, terror doesn't exist.  These acts of violence are manifestations of the past mistakes of the United States.  It's sheer utter nonsense.  But it helps explain why America is no longer seen as the defender of democracy and the scourge of evil.

Americans are stuck with a president who is afraid of offending Muslims and a media that values advertising dollars and nothing else. As a result, in a moment of history when America could have stood for its values, instead the nation's leader and his media cowered to blood-thirsty thugs.

The hooded terrorists have been allowed to kill free speech in America.  Shame on President Obama.  Shame on the news media. Shame on any American who remains silent about this affront to freedom.

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