Monday, April 27, 2015

Clinton Cash: Liberal Vultures Circling Hillary

Those baggy pants suits aren't the only thing sullying Hillary Clinton's image these days.  A string of embarrassing revelations about the double-dealing Clinton Foundation has tarnished whatever sheen remained of the Clinton mystique.  Now she faces the reality that party liberals are feeding the frenzy.

After Hillary dodged the email scandal, most Democrats' faith was restored in the Clinton game plan of bullying the media into submission.  The scalding news coverage of the deleted emails quickly evaporated under a barrage of Clinton denials.  But this latest imbroglio is a political game changer.

The difference is that the liberal media, led by ultra-left The New York Times, has decided that Hillary's candidacy will end in failure next November.  Many left-leaning groups, like Common Cause, agree.  They are secretly campaigning for a more liberal Democrat in the Obama-mold to carry the banner.

How else can you explain the media's sudden about-face from Clinton clones to Hillary hyper critics?

The New York Times revealed how the tax-exempt Clinton Foundation hauled in cash from foreign governments and their surrogates while Hillary as Secretary of State dealt with issues these donors had vested interests in pursuing with the United States.

That liberal bastion The Washington Post followed the sleazy trail of money from the governments of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Algeria that flooded into the Clinton Foundation.  Hillary huddled with the Algerian prime minister after her foundation cashed a $500,000 check from Algeria, the paper reported.

The stench was so malodorous that liberal Common Cause demanded an independent audit of donations to the Clinton Foundation.  Their plea came on the heels of an investigation by Reuters news service that uncovered numerous errors in the foundation's IRS reports about foreign donations.

Under pressure, the foundation on Sunday admitted it "made mistakes" and promised to refile reports to correct the inaccuracies.  Even before that admission of guilt, Hillary stepped down from the foundation and claimed her charity would no longer accept money from countries that discriminate against women.

Despite her transparent efforts to save face, Hillary's critics on the left are having none of it.  They recognize a wounded candidate when they see one.  And they understand these latest disclosures are only the tip of what is a large iceberg looming beneath the murky Clinton surface.

For example, the media still hasn't gotten its claws into the Clinton Foundation records on expenses. Between 2009 and 2012, the foundation shelled out $110 million in salaries and benefits, $25 million in travel on private jets, and $290 million in other expenses, including such items as housing.

In 2013, Hillary, Bill and daughter Chelsea racked up $8.448 million in travel costs on behalf of the foundation.  That kind of lavish spending will soon catch the interest of the media.  That same year, 2013, the foundation raised an astounding $144.4 million for its coffers.

If that doesn't set off alarms, consider that a measly 15 percent of the $500 million raised by the Clinton Foundation from 2009-2012 went to grants.  The rest was gobbled up by expenses.  That is 85 percent of the money that poured into the Clinton money machine.

Liberal Democrats can read the handwriting.  Hillary and her vapor trail of skunk-smelling scandals will doom Democrats next November. They want someone with less baggage and an individual that doesn't just lean left, but teeters on the liberal ledge.  Someone to carry on the Obama legacy.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a darling of the uber left, remains adamant she will not seek the Democrat presidential nomination.  But the media is doing all it can to deep-six Hillary to pave the way for a draft-Warren effort.

Perhaps, Hillary will somehow resurrect her campaign from her stinking garbage pile. But as she herself once said, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

For once, Hillary Clinton is right.  Only her abrupt departure from the presidential race will erase the scent of a certain Democrat defeat.

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