Monday, August 3, 2015

Planned Parenthood: Taxpayers Support Butchery

Planned Parenthood's decades old charade as a women's health provider has been shattered.  A number of covert videos have exposed the agency's macabre practice of offering baby's organs and limbs for sale to the highest bidder after crushing the life out of fetuses.

In chilling detail, four videos released by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress capture high-ranking Planned Parenthood officials and others casually discussing how unborn babies are ripped and sucked apart in a grisly manner in order to harvest their tiny body parts.

Faced with a grave crisis that threatens to cripple the agency, officials of the organization have turned to legal means as a last-ditch measure to stop the exposure of its horrific practices.  A California judge has issued a temporary injunction to halt the release of more damning videos.

This is like the Nazi's condemning the United States for issuing news reels showing images of the Jewish death camps.  Planned Parenthood, which receives more than $500 million annually in taxpayer funds, should be held accountable for what goes on behind its closed doors.

Before the videos, most Americans had no idea that the agency sold baby hearts, arms, livers and kidneys.  Planned Parenthood had certainly never been forthcoming about the practice.  When it came to light, the organization acted as if no one could possibly object to the barbaric business.

In one ghastly video, a technician who worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood, describes how dead fetuses are dissected and their parts sold to researchers.  Images show a technician using tweezers to pick through aborted fetal tissue for intact body parts.

The latest graphic video features a Planned Parenthood vice president discussing how babies who are delivered "before the procedure" can be used to harvest the organs intact.  In other words, babies taken from the womb while they are alive, are not spared the gruesome extermination and harvest.  

This is the tawdry side of abortion that Planned Parenthood concealed from the public for years.  The organization and its supporters portrayed abortion as the removal of a lump of cell tissue.  Their propaganda was designed to dehumanize the life that was being terminated.

Now it turns out people are learning that these so-called aborted "lumps" have brains, legs, hearts, livers and kidneys.  That doesn't sound anything like a lifeless clump of nothing.  The truth has sent Planned Parenthood cowering for cover, hiding behind the shield of women's health care.

For example, supporters of the outfit point to the life-saving mammograms offered by Planned Parenthood.  A recent investigation revealed of 30 branches in 27 states not a single one offered breast-cancer screenings.  Most didn't even have a mammogram machine.

In full-damage control mode, Planned Parenthood has raised the specter of women losing access to other health screenings and birth control. That is pure nonsense.  Under Obamacare, the federal law mandates those things are covered by insurance and are offered by countless physician practices.

Planned Parenthood is more worried about its image because it does not want to spook corporate donors, who pour millions into the agency.  The list includes a who's-who of firms, including Home Depot, Nike, Starbucks, Johnson and Johnson, Disney, Whole Foods, Gap and 71 other companies.

Planned Parenthood exists for only one purpose.  It is a modern day death camp that exterminates the lives of helpless babies and sells the leftovers for as much as it can get.  A society that can justify such cruelty and evil has lost its sense of decency.

If the law allows Planned Parenthood to continue its bloody business, then at least American taxpayers should not be forced to pay a single dime to support such savagery.

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