Monday, October 5, 2015

America's Crisis of Corruption

America has a corruption epidemic.  From the White House to the state house to the school house, it exists at every level of government.  This breach of public trust helps explain why Americans are fed up with the culture of corruption fostered by Washington's establishment political class.

In a recent survey by the polling firm Gallup, three out of four Americans (75%) said they were convinced that corruption in their government is pervasive.  This is a watershed figure and eclipses the 66 percent who felt the same way in 2009 when President Obama took office.

Other research has found that 60 percent of Americans believe that corruption has increased in the last two years.  Only 10 percent think the level of dishonesty has decreased.  Those polled included a representative sample of Americans from all income, political and ethnic groups.

Perhaps, there are some Americans who think this is more about perception than reality.  But a cursory glance through the FBI's public corruption files confirms the widespread impropriety that has touched every branch of government.  Here is a sample of headlines from the files:

Former Texas Judge Sentenced on Racketeering Charges.  Indiana City Councilman Sentenced for Failure to File Tax Returns.  Former Congressman and Wife Convicted of campaign fraud. Ex-law Enforcement Officials Sentenced on Conspiracy, Tax and Money Laundering Charges.

The list of dishonesty extends for pages and pages.  New Jersey School Administrator Sentenced for Bribery.  Pennsylvania State Senator Convicted of Mail Fraud and Tax Charges. Former Wichita City Clerk Sentenced for Embezzling Funds.  DEA Agents Charged With Stealing $1 Million in Currency.

The White House has not been immune from the disease of dishonesty. Controversies have included the the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the Justice Department's collection of phone data on reporters, Secret Service agents hiring of prostitutes and the Veterans Administration scandal.    

The crookedness has created a stench that no amount of political stump speeches will erase.  Every day brings a new headline and a new arrest warrant.  It is a never ending march of corruption that taints American democracy and turns off voters who view every office holder as amoral.

Indiana University and City University in Hong Kong documented the level of corruption in a 2014 landmark study.  Their research uncovered more than 25,000 convictions for violations of federal anti-corruption laws by U.S. government employees and officials in a 32-year period ending in 2008.

The research, which appeared in Public Administration Review, concluded that reducing corruption in government would help restrain spending for many states struggling to balance their budget.  In other words, government dishonesty ends up costing taxpayers more money.

Politicians and government employees aren't the only culpable individuals.  

Transparency International, a global coalition against corruption, surveyed Americans and found that a surprising seven percent admitted paying a bribe to a government official in the last 12 months.  In the study, Americans named political parties as the most corrupt institutions in the country.

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue.  Corruption has seeped into both parties and throughout the government bureaucracy they have constructed. Too many politicians and government workers view kickbacks, bribes, misconduct and fraud as just part of the benefits that go with the office.

Sadly, the future portends the specter of more not less corruption in government.  Today there is at least one sitting congressman who has evaded payment of federal taxes.  A long-term senator has been charged with accepting bribes, yet still occupies a seat in the nation's legislative chamber.

The current political class looks the other way while its members commit all sorts of iniquities. They wink and nod and pretend to care. But they don't enforce their own rules.  No wonder the public mood is to throw out all the bums, even the "good" ones.

Washington, state legislatures, cities and schools need to start policing their elected officials.  There should be zero tolerance for any infraction of the code of conduct.  Prosecutions need to more vigorous. Jail terms need to be stiffened.  The guilty should not be allowed to ever hold office.

Americans are demanding more of their government and elected officials.  They have every right to do so.  Honesty, integrity and morality are not suggestions for the governing elite.  Those characteristics are what should be required to occupy any office of public trust.

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