Monday, October 24, 2016

The Russians Are Coming!

Campaign 2016 officially has descended into insanity.  Both candidates are hurling serious charges of election rigging.  No wonder a recent poll found that 41 percent of registered voters believe there is at least a "possibility" of voter fraud in the presidential election.

Allegations of election tampering are nothing new.  Who can forget the 2000 presidential election when Democrat Al Gore blamed voter irregularities for his defeat?  But the new wrinkle is the claim that a foreign government is surreptitiously undermining the election.

Democrats and their nominee Hillary Clinton are alleging Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind an stealth effort to rig the outcome in favor of Republican Donald Trump.  Putin, the cunning former KGB intelligence officer, has used the furor to cast an ominous shadow over the election.

This is a classic KGB disinformation campaign that the Democrat accomplices in the American media have regurgitated in an effort to help Ms. Clinton, who has repeatedly charged that Putin would like nothing better than to see Mr. Trump lounging in the Oval Office.

Ms. Clinton has huffed there is "credible evidence" from intelligence sources to "pursue an investigation into Russia's efforts to interfere with our election."  She went on to assert at a rally that it was no accident the Russian scheme started "about the time Mr. Trump became the nominee."

Of course, Ms. Clinton offered no proof.  No U.S. intelligence source has produced public evidence that the Russians are hacking their way into voting machines.  Ms. Clinton's unsubstantiated claims have played right into the hands of Putin's effort to undermine public trust in the election process.

For Russia to tinker with the results, rogue agents of Putin would have to infiltrate more than 9,000 precincts to arrange to jigger with voting machines and paper ballots.  They would literally have to gain access to every device and ballot without anyone noticing.  It is simply mission impossible.

But that hasn't stopped Ms. Clinton and the Democratic Party from making the allegations.

Not one media outlet has challenged Ms. Clinton's screwball assertion. Her "proof" is her familiar refrain that Putin does not want her to be president because she would be tough on Russia.  It matters little to the media that Ms. Clinton has a history of a cozy relationship with the Russians.

It was Secretary of State Clinton who famously presented her counterpart in Russia with the sophomoric "reset button" to signal a new era of cooperation between the two countries.  What followed was Russian aggression in the Ukraine and the incursion into the Syrian conflict.

Under Ms. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, President Putin was able to resurrect Russian ambitions to become a dominant force in both Europe and the Middle East.  America made it clear that it had no intention of confronting the Russian military.  Diplomacy was the only option.

Putin only needs to look at recent history with the former Secretary of State to recognize future interventions in foreign countries will go unchecked by an America led by Hillary Clinton.

There are other reasons Putin and the Russian oligarchs would be comfortable with a Clinton presidency.  As Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton signed off on a deal that allowed a Russian company called Uranium One to acquire significant holdings in the United States.

Prior to the Uranium One deal, former President Bill Clinton became entangled in a Canadian mining firm that eventually sold off its assets to the Russians. A Canadian businessman gave $31 million to the Clinton Foundation after Mr. Clinton aided in an effort to obtain uranium mines in Kazakhstan.  

As the Russians were gradually gaining control of the Canadian firm, Uranium One's chairman also took an interest in the Clinton Foundation.

The chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.  The contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clinton's, despite an agreement with the White House designed to ensure transparency.

For Democrats reading about Uranium One's shady dealings for the first time, this description of the transactions between the Russians and the Clinton Foundation was first printed in The New York Times on April 23, 2015.  The charges of a shadowy quid-pro-quid were not concocted by the GOP.

While the deal with Uranium One was under consideration by Ms. Clinton, former president Clinton received a $500,000 speech fee from another connected Russian firm, according to The Wall Street Journal. Democrat apologists contend none of this influenced Hillary's decision.

As a result of Uranium One's wheeling and dealing, they now control one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the U.S.  What difference at this point does it make?  Uranium is a strategic component used in nuclear weapons.  It is a matter of national security to protect the U.S. supply.

Uranium One now has uranium mining stakes in operations stretching from Canada to Central Asia to the American West.  Without the approval of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton's influence, the Russian firm would never have been able to assemble such a stash of uranium assets.

Yet American voters are supposed to be believe that the Russians and Putin prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.  It is sheer lunacy to even make that assertion based on the Clinton's record of kowtowing to the Russians.

Meanwhile, a smug Vladimir Putin must be laughing as he gulps another shot of vodka.  Without lifting a finger, he has managed to corrupt the expectation of a democratic election in the country of his arch enemy. He couldn't have done it without accomplices Hillary Clinton and a corrupt media.

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