Monday, February 6, 2017

Refugee Hysteria: The Truth About Tump's Order

President's Trump executive order to protect the American people from terrorist attacks has been the subject of a disinformation campaign engineered by Democrats and their media co-conspirators.  As a result, many Americans have been brainwashed into believing the order is harsh and xenophobic.

The deliberately false propaganda blitzkrieg has described the executive order as a ban on Muslims, an attack on American values and the scapegoating of immigrants.  Not a single one of those labels is factual.  It makes you wonder if the opponents have even read the president's order.

In the rush to judgment, Democrats and the media have accused Mr. Trump of hanging out a shingle at U.S. borders that reads, "Americans Only."  That is among the kinder smears from these apostles of indoctrination.  Apparently, they not only are unintelligent, but have no knowledge of history.

America has been and will continue to be the world's top resettlement country for people living in repressive, terrorist-plagued nations. However, the explosion of refugees, particularly from worn torn Syria, has created a security nightmare for every potential resettlement country.

More than 4.1 million Syrians are looking for new homes, a human tragedy of biblical proportions that could have been prevented by the United States and its allies.  Dealing with the outfall will require an overhaul of the refugee procedural process of not only the U.S. but the entire world.   

Mr. Trump's executive order addresses this issue, directing a review of the refugee admissions program.  Included is a call for greater involvement by states and cities in the resettlement process, which should facilitate the placement of refugees.

To set the record straight, here are facts about Mr. Trump's action as well as actual data about the resettlement of refugees in America to counteract the media's lies: 

LIE: The Order Bans Muslims.  Untrue.  There is no reference to Muslims in the order.  It puts a temporary, 90-day halt to resettlement of refugees from seven countries, including Syria.  During the pause, the president has asked the national intelligence community to develop a uniform screening standard and procedure. However, Muslims from other countries such as Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population (202.9 million), may apply for refugee status.  Only refugees from the seven countries are impacted by the order.

LIE: The President Singled Out Muslim Countries.  The seven countries effected are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.  These same nations were placed under travel restrictions by Mr. Obama, who signed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act on December 18, 2015.  Under the law, travelers from these countries are no longer eligible to be admitted to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program.  The stated reason for the move was to prevent travelers from those countries from coming to America "at the behest of violent extremist groups." Mr. Trump's order broadens the law to include increased scrutiny for refugees from these countries.

LIE: The Order Unduly Slows Refugees Entry. The system in place under former President Obama was tortoise like, too.  Currently, the normal vetting time for Syrian refugees is 18 to 24 months, according to the State Department.  After this process, the refugee must still pass a physical exam.  The United States has always employed a prolonged, deliberate process for refugees from foreign countries. Additional vetting may add a few months to the operation because of the difficulty in establishing each refugee's identity.  

LIE:  No Other President Has Issued A Refugee Freeze.  False.  The last six U.S. presidents have issued executive orders to block the entry of certain classes of immigrants.  The most recent example is President Obama who halted visa processing for Iraqi refugees in 2011 after two former Al Qaeda terrorists were found living as refugees in Kentucky. The temporary freeze lasted six months so the Obama Administration could reexamine the records of 58,000 Iraqis being considered for resettlement. The order caused hardship and heartbreak for families, but the media ignored it.    

LIE: It is un-American to limit refugees coming to the U.S.   Mr. Obama used his authority, just as other presidents did, to establish an annual ceiling on the number of refugees the United States would admit.  In 2012 and again in 2013, the former president lowered the number from 80,000 to 76,000 and then reduced it again to 70,000.  In the last year of George W. Bush's presidency, the refugee cap was 80,000 after it had climbed as high as 152,000.  In his order, Mr. Trump temporarily suspended the ceiling for refugees while vetting measures are developed.  Refugee limits have always been a part of U.S. policy.  

LIE: Mr. Trump Falsely Claims Christian Refugees Have Been Treated Unfairly.  Based on the data, not media fabrication, President Trump's assertions are accurate.  The Obama Administration resettled more than 12,000 Syrian refugees last fiscal year; 99 percent of them were Muslim. Although Christians represent 10 percent of the Syrian population, only one-half of one percent of Syrian refugees who gained entry into the U.S. were Christians.

Once Americans know the facts they will grow weary of the choreographed protests, the media's fake stories and Democrat's crocodile tears. America still embraces the huddled masses.  However, polls show Americans want to be protected from terrorism.

Who can blame them after five terrorists attacks on American soil under Mr. Obama?    

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