Monday, March 6, 2017

Anarchy: Are Democrats Planning a Coup?

America's bold experiment in democracy has endured for 240 years. However, it may not survive another four years if the Democrats and their militant co-conspirators are successful in betraying the will of the people by toppling the presidency of Donald Trump.

Days after the election, deep-pocketed Democrat Party cash cows, including billionaire George Soros, huddled behind closed doors with union bosses, influential elected officials and liberal organizations at Washington's swank Mandarin Oriental Hotel to hatch a battle plan.

What emerged from that meeting was a scorched earth strategy designed to force a regime change by whatever means necessary, a shocking development for the nation that defined democracy. This was right out of a third-world country's political playbook.

The plan fashioned in secret was to capitalize on the myth of the Russian 'hacking' of the presidential election with a steady drumbeat of allegations about Moscow ties to Trump associates.  It mattered little to Democrats there was not a scintilla of evidence the Russians hacked a single voting machine.

In the weeks following the clandestine meeting, protests flared up in many parts of the country. Marches on the nation's capitol became a regular feature.  Disgruntled bureaucrats in the federal government formed shadow groups online to share ideas on how to resist the new administration.

Democrats in Congress called for resistance of the Trump agenda. Confirmation of cabinet nominees ground to a halt.  Democrat senators boycotted hearings. They stormed out of other meetings, venting their disgust to the media echo chamber. Calls for impeachment rang out in the halls of the Capitol.

Democrats' behavior seemed more at home in Venezuela than in America.

Many Americans believe the media narrative that the acrimony is organic.  However, it is becoming clear that the animosity has been orchestrated by radical activists on the payrolls of Soros and former President Obama, who are pulling the strings of protestor puppets.

A group calling itself, Indivisible, has been among the organizers for protests, including those at Town Hall meetings for House and Senate Republicans.  The organization with ties to Soros has posted a 26-page guide on its website with pointers for disrupting constituent sessions.

Indivisible is planning a massive anti-Trump march in Washington on April 15, Tax Day.  Similar protests are being mapped out for other cities.  Indivisible has yet to disclose its donors, but the agitators are allied with MoveOn.Org, another Soros-financed group.

Hungarian-born Soros and his Open Society Foundation have funneled more than $7 billion over the years to more than 50 protest groups, most of which are now involved in an effort to blunt the Trump agenda. Soros wants to remove the president from office, not just thwart his campaign promises.

Organizing for Action, a newly-formed protest movement, traces its roots to Barrack Obama's first presidential campaign.  Then it was called Organizing for America, but has morphed into an-anti Trump faction that now is partnering with Indivisible to obstruct the president's program.

The media cartel, led by The New York Times and The Washington Post, are in cahoots with the anti-Trumpers, peddling unsubstantiated stories that rely on unnamed sources and illegal government leaks of classified information.  Their reporting is salacious, often untrue and always inflammatory.

The shrill voices in the media have fueled outrageous calls for the assassination of President Trump. Rupert Myers, a political correspondent for GQ magazine, took to social media to tweet the following: "Could Obama murder Trump and Pence, then pardon himself?"  

Regardless of how you voted in the presidential election, you cannot believe this is the way a democracy is supposed to function. This dangerous game being played by Democrats and the media cabal is fueling rage among all Americans.  If it doesn't stop soon, the country could explode.

Or worse, it could descend into anarchy.  If you are shaking your head in disbelief, then you have not been paying attention to what is happening in your country.  

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