Monday, June 19, 2017

Hatred: The Democrats Political Weapon Of Choice

Never in modern American political history has there been such a vortex of numbing hatred against a president.  The unceasing geyser of inflammatory rhetoric, demented hostility and personal animosity directed at Mr. Trump has scaled a dangerous precipice that threatens American democracy.

Democrats, their allies in the fake fairness media and liberal-funded radical groups have banded together with one goal in mind:  Remove Mr. Trump from office by any means.  Overturn the election results. Create cynicism about honest elections.  Make anarchy a viable resistance.

Democrats declared political war on Mr. Trump only days after his election, many defiantly refusing to attend his inauguration.  From that opening salvo,  Democrats lapsed into Trump Derangement Syndrome, a pathological hatred for the president, his family and associates.  

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer posted a video on social media mocking the president. Representative Maxine Waters called the president a 'pathological liar.' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has raised the specter of impeachment and often refused to refer to him as President Trump.

For its part, the media has whipped up Trump resentment.  In particular, MSNBC and CNN are in a race to see which network can outdo the other in gutter name-calling.  The New York Times and The Washington Post have junked journalism to print scurrilous anonymous sourced fabrications.

Stoked by the Democrats' serial hysteria, those who loathe the president have been emboldened to preach assassination. A faux comedian showcases the severed bloody head of the president.  A play performed in Central Park features the stabbing death of a Trump-like Julius Caesar.

A Dallas teacher acts out the shooting of the president in his classroom. Scumbag musical artist Snoop Dogg aims a handgun at the skull of a clown dressed as President Trump in a rap video. Another rapper swoons about murdering Mr. Trump.  Democrats' silence is a tacit endorsement.

Openly advocating the killing of a U.S. president should be a one-way ticket to jail.  But not in today's America, where political animus justifies the unhinged behavior.  But the events of last week show the bilge of hatred from Democrats and the media have created a toxic atmosphere for violence.

The targeted shooting of the Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others at a baseball field in Virginia serves as a warning that America may soon descend into the same deadly cycle that grips third world countries, where politicians are murdered instead of voted out of office.

In the wake of the shooting, several Republicans reported receiving threatening calls and emails. Many contained haunting references to killing the president.  One caller growled: "Trump is next." To claim this is normal political thuggery is to ignore the looming threat of more heinous acts.

The Virginia shooter made no secret of his detest for Mr. Trump.  His venom on social media ranted about getting rid of the president.  This was an Illinois man who carried a crumpled list of GOP targets.  His barrage of gunfire was political terrorism, although the media won't call it that.

Embarrassed by the murderer's support for their party, Democrats shed crocodile tears over the rampage. They spoke about unity on the same day 200 Democrats in the House and Senate filed suit against the president over allegations of foreign money invested in Trump businesses.

There are Democrats who will contend the onslaught of anti-Trump outrage is justified.  Hillary Clinton should be president.  The Russians stole the election.  Every Democrat fantasizes this. Therefore it must be true. Facts don't matter when you are driven by unrestrained malice.

It is time for Americans to demand an end to the mob mentality.  No more hate speech.  No more jokes about assassination.  No more mutinous demonstrations.  No more attempts to overturn the will of the electorate.  Enough is enough.  Distraught Democrats can extract revenge in the voting booth.

That is the place where American political arguments should be settled. Not at the end of the barrel of a gun.

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