Monday, July 30, 2018

Why Soros Is Buying District Attorneys

Elections for local district attorneys were once political yawners.  The contests were uninteresting,  void of partisan politics and starved for big money donors.  All that has changed in recent years as billionaire George Soros has emptied his coffers to tip the scales for liberal Democrat candidates.

Beginning in 2014, the hedge fund kingpin has poured tens of millions of dollars into races for county district attorney across the nation.  His goal is to remove pro-law enforcement, anti-illegal immigration and anti-sanctuary city DA incumbents and replace them with handpicked ideologues.

Soros launched his campaign four years ago with a $50 million donation from his Open Society Foundation to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  To gain more political leverage, he shoveled millions into political action committees (PAC) targeting law-and-order district attorneys.

Why are county district attorneys so important to Soros?  DA's have wide discretion to decide which crimes to prosecute, what charges to file, who to prosecute and whether to permit plea agreements.  They have the power to accept or reject police evidence in recommendations for prosecution.

With that much authority, district attorneys have the opportunity to reshape the criminal justice system to fit Soros' progressive model. 

The mogul and ally ACLU favor candidates who support open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, a moratorium on the death penalty and reduced sentences for so-called low level offenses, such as drug crimes.  However, his candidates rarely mention these issues.

Soros' wealth has found its way into races in Philadelphia, San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago, Orlando, Houston, several Florida counties, Mississippi and San Antonio.  Political action committees and shadow groups are showered with cash, usually at least $1 million per contest.

Until Soros waded into these arcane races, most voters could not even name their local district attorney.  A contested battle for the position usually attracted little interest and far less than $1 million in donations.  That was before Soros began using his finances and political clout to tilt the equation.

His modus operandi is to employ powerful Washington-based law firm Perkins Cole to establish a PAC with a name that is politically sanitized.  The PACs are branded "Justice and Safety," "California Justice" and "Public Safety."  The names are deliberately obtuse to hide Soros' real agenda.

Soros funding flows through his foundation and some of the 100 organizations with ties to the magnate.  The carpetbagger prefers to remain in the background, the puppet master hidden behind the veiled curtain of secrecy. He never publicly endorses a candidate for district attorney. 

Rather the tycoon orchestrates an infusion of cash for his chosen candidate, swamping war chests raised by opponents.  The money allows the challenger to dominate the air waves with ads smearing the incumbent.  Opponents are caught off guard when they discover Soros is financing the attacks.

Consider what happened to incumbent Bexar County District Attorney Nico LaHood in his reelection campaign this spring.  Soros blindsided LaHood, investing nearly $1 million in Joe Gonzales to oust the incumbent for the sin of opposing San Antonio's sanctuary city status.  LaHood was trounced.

The campaign playbook calls for recruitment of anti-law enforcement organizations such as Black Lives Matter and pro-immigration groups to join forces with the ACLU in stirring up activists in the community.  The result creates the appearance of large scale opposition to the office holder.

A few incumbents are fed up with Soros' meddling.  In the race for DA in San Diego, the incumbent struck back slamming Soros on the airwaves.  In the ads, a picture of Soros is superimposed over masked, black-clad street demonstrator.  The inference is clear: Soros is a threat to public safety.

Despite the push back, Soros has racked up many successes, toppling incumbent district attorneys around the nation.  His funding is creating a national liberal agenda on criminal justice by buying one county district attorney at a time.  There is only one way to stop Soros.  Voters are the best defense.

Don't ignore your local district attorney race.  Research the positions of the candidates.  Use online sources to find out which PAC's are involved in the race.  Learn if the organizations have links to Soros.  Then decide whether you want an independent DA or one beholden to George Soros.

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