Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day: America's Forgotten War

By most historical accounts, it was the deadliest conflict in military history.  More than 70 million soldiers and civilians perished.  The savagery of World War I played out in muddy trenches, leaving lasting scars in Europe.  But for many Americans, the century-old war has been long forgotten.

The last U.S. veteran of World War I, Frank Buckles, died in June, 1973 at the age of 101.  His passing was barely mentioned in the news media.  It was a sad reminder how little is remembered about the bravery of American soldiers engaged in the bloodiest war in modern history.

More than 126,000 American men sacrificed their lives on the altar of freedom in the war.  Another 234,000 were wounded.  An estimated 50 million military casualties were recorded in the conflict that embroiled most of Europe and introduced the first use of large-scale chemical warfare.

America's entry into the war in 1917 changed the course of the conflict that had ravaged the European continent since 1914.  President Woodrow Wilson committed U.S. forces to join with Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania and Japan, an allied coalition that had suffered staggering losses.

The allies were facing armies from Germany, Austria, Hungry, Bulgaria and Turkey.  (Other countries sent troops but these were the major combatants.) Germany was first to unleash chemical weapons, using first chlorine gas and then mustard gas that inflicted horrific wounds and ultimately death.

The war ended on November 11, 1918, exactly 101 years to this day when Germany signed the armistice and the guns fell silent.  Memories of the gruesome war are still prominent in many European cities, which have erected war memorials in the town centers to salute fallen soldiers. 

However, in America there are few memorials or remembrances. While many Americans are familiar with World War II and Vietnam War heroes, most would be hard pressed to name a single one from World War I.  However, perhaps America's most unlikeliest war hero emerged in that conflict.

His name was Alvin C. York, a Tennessee native and pacifist who registered for the draft as required by law, but scribbled on his draft card, "Don't want to fight."  York had serious moral issues about war and had been advised by his pastor to seek conscientious objector status.

Although the Army considered his objections, York was drafted and sent to basic training.  The 30-year-old York eventually had a change of heart after consulting Biblical sources during a visit to his hometown.  He returned with a firm belief that God meant for him to fight in the war.

York was assigned to Company G, 328th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Infantry Division.  Eventually promoted to corporal, York took part in the St. Mihiel offensive as the 82nd sought to protect the U.S. First Army's right flank. His unit was ordered to take a hill north of Chatel-Chehery in France.

As his unit inched forward, York and his fellow soldiers came under fierce German machine-gun fire from all sides in the surrounding Argonne forest.  By mid-morning York's platoon commander was killed and he assumed command of the remaining seven soldiers to repel the German onslaught.

During the bloody encounter, York was credited with killing more than 20 Germans and silencing 35-machine guns.  At one point, six Germans charged his position with fixed bayonets.  York keep firing his rifle, relying on his sharp-shooting skills he honed hunting in Tennessee, until the Germans fell.

Eventually, the Germans surrendered and York and the few men left in his platoon captured 132 prisoners.  For his gallantry, York was awarded two French medals for bravery and the allied commander called his achievement "the greatest exploit every accomplished by a common soldier."

His own country awarded him the Medal of Honor and promoted him to sergeant.  He was honored with a ticker tape parade in New York City.  In 1941, his life was immortalized in the film " Sergeant York" starring Gary Cooper.  After the war, York returned to his home in Tennessee.

Today on Veteran's Day, take a moment to remember those who have served our country in war and peace time.  And say a prayer for those brave men, like Sergeant York, who fought to save Europe from being overrun by the forces of evil in World War I.  They deserve to no longer be forgotten.

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