Monday, March 1, 2021

America's Version of Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic cleansing, an attempt to rid a society of unwanted groups, is being appropriated and redefined by leftists to purge the nation of conservatives, Republicans or any American who opposes progressive orthodoxies. To achieve their goal, the plotters are muzzling free speech through systemic censorship.  

The Capitol riot emboldened virtually every social media platform to ban Mr. Trump and a host of his allies, including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, lawyer Sidney Powell and retired General Michael Flynn. Then conservatives fled to newly-hatched platform Parler, with 15 million users.

Big Tech fumed, determined to bring Parler under its jackboot.

Goggle and Apple jerked Parler from their app stores. A day later, Amazon severed its contract to host Parler on its cloud computing servers. Parler lodged an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon. Coincidentally after the filing, Parler reopened its platform, albeit with technical difficulties and fewer accounts.

Tech monopolists, however, are guilty of double standards.  Antifa used Twitter to stoke riots in cities during the summer.  Twitter has allowed violent hashtags like #KillDonaldTrump and #HangMikePence. Russian dissident Alexei Navalny tweeted about the hypocrisy: 

"I get death threats here (on Twitter) every day for many years, and Twitter doesn't ban anyone."

The assault on free speech spread like a contagion to individuals and groups considered dissidents.  LifeSiteNews, a pro-life group, was banned from YouTube.  One of the reasons: The organization posted a "subversive" video entitled, "Catholic Christian Traditions to Instill Faith in Your Kids." 

More than 70,000 accounts on Twitter were expunged in a single day. The social media censors at Twitter claimed the accounts were linked to QAnon, a "far right, extremist conspiracy" group.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was banned without explanation from Facebook for anti-vaccine "conspiracy" theories. 

Project Veritas was permanently removed from Twitter and YouTube. The social platforms labeled the news group "far right extremists." ProjectVeritas exposed some of the more heinous practices of Planned Parenthood in undercover videos.  In the current environment, that is considered "dangerous." 

Amazon purged conservative scholar Ryan Anderson's 2018 book, "When Harry Became Sally" from its online bookstore because it challenges progressive ideas about gender.  In particular, the book questions the wisdom of sex change procedures in children. Can book burnings be far behind?

Publisher Simon and Schuster cancelled a book deal by Trump ally Senator Josh Hawley, tying their decision to the "insurrection" in Washington.  America's disinformation media cheered the censorship, despite the protections the press enjoys under the First Amendment guarantee of free speech.

Liberal-funded activist organizations painted a bullseye on Fox News, hectoring advertisers to abandon the conservative media outlet or face retribution.  In response, Fox let go (a corporate euphemism for "fire") several of its long-time news hosts for their on-air support of former President Trump.

Censorship storm troopers, masquerading as members of Congress, took aim at other news providers and streaming platforms.  Democrat Representatives Anna G. Eshoo and Jerry McNerney of California wrote a chilling letter to these firms about the "spread of dangerous disinformation."

The letter brazenly inquired: "Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, OANN and Newsmax on your platform now and beyond the renewal date.  If so, why?" This was no polite request but a shakedown of those outlets offering carriage to conservative news outlets.

Firms receiving the demagogic warning included Comcast, AT&T, Spectrum, Dish, Verizon, Cox, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Goggle and Hulu. The letter was sent in advance of a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on "Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media."

Partisan media dismissed Republicans' complaints about censorship by dutifully reporting Democrat talking points. "There is no evidence of any bias," Democrat Rep. David Cicilline huffed.  "The evidence is anecdotal so far, we don't operate on anecdotes, we operate on facts and data."

No offense, Rep Cicilline, but wrench your head out of the sand and look at the censorship facts. 

Media sycophants dredged up a New Your University report from its Stern Center For Business dismissing conservative claims of bias as a "falsehood with no reliable evidence to support it." This was an effort to deflect criticism of censorship and support the censors.  

If you read the NYU study, you will find the report bases its conclusion on the fact that conservatives still dominate many social platforms. That ignores the fact that hundreds and perhaps thousands of conservatives have been booted off for alleged violations of often vague rules applied unevenly.  

Many constitutional lawyers confirm Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have no First Amendment obligation to protect freedom of speech. The amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech. Private firms are under no such constraint.

However, Twitter and Facebook have become so pervasive they are essentially the public square for Americans to air their views. Facebook and Twitter have 75% of the social media market. Shutting off differing viewpoints turns the platforms into propaganda outlets for progressive ideology.

Never in America's history, including during the era of McCarthyism, has the country witnessed such an orchestrated plot to extinguish speech that offends the ruling government.  This sort of censorship is a central pillar of China's war on truth, which allows the Communist Party to control its people.  

Taking a page from China's strategy, Big Tech monopolists are erasing any speech about voter fraud during the 2020 election. Their reaction reeks of hypocrisy.  For nearly four years, social and news media granted free reign to false claims Mr. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. 

As censorship blitzkrieg escalated, the House of Representatives under the iron fisted control of Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a memorandum which read in part: 

"Despite criticism, many traditional media outlets continue to allow for disinformation in an attempt to follow journalistic standards and present multiple viewpoints on a story.

The message is clear to the news media: "Your news coverage better follow the progressive narrative and support our orthodoxy or we will silence you.  Stick to one viewpoint.  Ours.  Is that clear?"  Regardless of political affiliation, all Americans should be terrified by this threat to a free press. 

Mirroring China's tactics, the anarchists are using government propaganda to support censorship.  The decision after January 6 to erect a barrier around the Capitol was calculated to reenforce the propaganda of an America under unrelenting attack from domestic terrorists. 

A seven-foot, non-scalable, fence topped with concertina razor wire was hastily thrown up around the Capitol days after the riot. Concrete barricades were erected. More than 1,000 heavily-armed National Guard troops were summoned to man the ramparts.  This is optical propaganda.  

The nation's Capitol today resembles a third-world government fortress.  The pretext used to justify the bastille-like facade is to prevent another insurrection, according to law enforcement. More than a month has lapsed with no sign of trouble. Even some Democrats are embarrassed by the optics.

"I believe we can keep members, press, staff, my constituents, and all those who work here safe without walling off the symbol of our democracy.  It's the People's House--let's keep it that way," tweeted Virginia Democrat congresswoman Jennifer Wexton.

The country is entering a new and dangerous era where the definition of free speech is now "approved speech."  Progressive insurgents, a handful of Big Tech oligarchs and a cabal of media elitists are determining what is "disinformation" by their standards. This is a tactic of every global despot.  

Silencing public speech is unAmerican.  Regardless of your political affiliation, the current scheme to control all forms of communication, should be frightening.  Benjamin Franklin, one of America's founding fathers and a fierce advocate of democracy, once cautioned:

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."

America ignores his warning at its own peril.  

No political party, tech company or activist group should be sanctioned to curb freedom of expression, even if it clashes with the prevailing dogma, Woke tenets or some political catechism.  Once Americans lose free speech, our democracy will disintegrate, replaced by a totalitarian government.   

1 comment:

  1. Great diatribe and summary of many of the recent censorship examples! I keep thinking about what going on and looking for answers on how to possible "fix" it but I haven't discovered it yet. I will continue to share the Franklin quote!
