Friday, May 21, 2010

Factoids That You Can Use

Recent research from a variety of sources underscores the glacial shift from wired to untethered telephone usage. Cell phones are so pervasive that 234 million Americans or 78 percent of the total population now subscribes to service. Meanwhile, the Federal Communications Commission estimates that land lines or wired telephone subscribers have dipped by 37 percent since 2000. This trend is unlikely to reverse, since demographic research indicates that those 30 years of age and younger are most likely to dump their land line for exclusive mobile service. The mobile phone manufacturers and operators are ramping up advertising and marketing to take advantage of the trend. Over the next five years, ABI research predicts expenditures will grow at a compounded annual rate of more than 40 percent. In the battle between the country's two largest wireless operators, Verizon held the largest market share at 31.1 percent. However, the firm lost share to AT&T during the most recent quarter. AT&T raised its market share to 25.2 percent. Developments to watch: more than 30 percent of all subscribers are using web browsers on their mobile devices, while 28.6 percent have downloaded applications for their phones. No question both will drive higher usage, straining already overtaxed networks.

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