Monday, July 15, 2013

How Team Obama Tried To Corrupt Justice

Even before George Zimmerman was saddled with a murder charge, President Obama and his co-conspirators in the media summoned the dark clouds of injustice to construct a narrative to stoke racial anger in an effort to influence the outcome of the investigation.

As the whole world knows by now, a Florida jury found Zimmerman innocent of second degree murder and manslaughter in the shooting of death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin, an African-American.  The outcome was greeted with shrill protests by the usual suspects, including the NAACP.

The chain of events that preceded the trial are without precedent. From the time of his arrest, Zimmerman was mercilessly libeled and savagely slandered by a media intent on making the shooting all about race, despite no evidence to support their wretched thesis.

In the frenetic race to promote racial bias, the news media ignored the fact that the FBI interviewed three dozen people in the murder case.  It concluded its investigation by announcing it found "no evidence" of a racial motive in the shooting.  

That didn't stop the The New York Times from raising the specter of white-on-black crime.  To make its case, The Times referred to Zimmerman as "white," although his mother is Hispanic.  

President Obama practiced his own brand of racial prejudice with a mischievous reference designed to place the weight of his office behind the victim.  He infamously proclaimed that if he had a son, he would probably look like Trayvon Martin.

Imagine if George Bush had been president and made the same analogy, but inserted the name George Zimmerman. Indignation from the media and legal community would have boiled over with frothy derision.

Obama's intent was clear.  The president telegraphed prosecutors, judges, the police and potential jurors that he would be looking over their shoulders.  The message was received and the criminal justice system became convinced its mission was to convict Zimmerman at all costs.

The behavior by the prosecutors in the case was so wantonly unethical that even liberals couldn't remain silent.  Harvard Law professor and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz called for the prosecutors to be "disbarred" for misconduct.

In his assessment, Dershowitz was adamant that Zimmerman should not have been charged with second-degree murder because the evidence did not support it.  He pointed out that the prosecutors' attempts to layer on additional charges in the trial's waning stages were "utterly irresponsible."

The incorrigible media also looked the other way while Obama's Department of Justice deployed a secretive group to Florida to help drum up support to prosecute Zimmerman.  The justice agents worked in the shadows to assist in organizing rallies, marches and demonstrations for the victim.

The facts were obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request to Justice.  The department supplied 347 pages of documents, which detail the extraordinary intervention in the run up to the filing of charges against Zimmerman.

The department and its Community Relations Service spent $5,230.88 of taxpayer money to sway public opinion and to build support for prosecution.  To date, Attorney General Eric Holder has stonewalled requests to account for his department's shabby scheme to rig the investigation.

After the jury returned the verdict, the NAACP rushed online with a petition calling for federal prosecution of Zimmerman after the organization expressed "outrage" at the jury's decision.  The group wants the Justice Department to file civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

It seems Messrs. Obama and Holder and the NAACP believe justice only works when the system does their bidding.  If it doesn't, then it is a travesty.  Their presumption stems from a bias against the courts, judges and police built on stereotypes held by the race-obsessed in our society.

Barrack Obama was once hailed as the president whose election signaled the end of racism.  The opposite has happened as the president has informed his decision-making by judging America and Americans through a black-and-white lens.

The once anointed unifier is now the divider.  

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