Sunday, August 9, 2015

Obama's Stealth Effort To Alter Your Neighborhood

If you like the neighborhood where you live, you may soon have no voice in what happens in your own subdivision.  The federal government has a plan to strip suburbs and communities of self-rule as a way of restricting the freedom of Americans to control their surroundings.

That may sound Orwellian, but the future may be far worse than imagined after the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) begins administering a vaguely-worded 377-page rule issued under the media radar on July 8.  It went into effect on August 8.  

Known euphemistically as the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule, it is the brainchild of social engineers in the Obama Administration.  It is an attempt to achieve economic integration by arming the government with rules to control access to local education, transportation and parks.

And that's just a partial list of how extensive the federal tentacles will reach into every neighborhood in America.  For instance, the government can ignore local zoning laws and insist low-cost housing complexes be built in exclusive single-family communities.      

The new rules, two years in the making, will be phased in over an unspecified time.  Provisions give the government the ability to force suburbs to effectively be annexed by cities to comply with racial and ethnic quotas.  Local communities and suburban cities will be at the government's mercy.

In announcing the final rule, HUD secretary Julian Castro praised the regulatory incursion because it will "promote access to community assets such as quality education, employment and transportation." His carefully crafted words make it sound as if no one could oppose such a Utopian idea.

However, Castro tipped the government's heavy-handed approach when he added the following:
"Unfortunately, too many Americans find their dreams limited by where they come from, and a ZIP code should never determine a child's future."

Castro, rumored to be presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's choice for a running mate, provided a further hint of the rule's intent when he said it would "provide all Americans with access to safe, affordable housing in communities that are rich with opportunity."

The key word here is "rich."  Translation of Castro's government-doublespeak:  Your federal government wants to relocate poor people to neighborhoods with "wealthy" ZIP codes to provide them access to the best schools, parks, municipal services and low density housing.    

If you have read this far, you are probably wondering: How come I haven't heard about this new rule?    

The reason is that the Obama Administration and its lackey news media do not want Americans to learn about this intrusive federal power grab until it is too late for anything to be done about it.  A front-page article in the Washington Post peremptorily defended the rule the day it was released.

Since then, the media has been silent about the explosive new regulations.  Like so many maneuvers by this administration, the Obama team uses regulatory decrees to make laws that would never pass muster in Congress.  As long as the masses remain mum, it will continue unabated.

Every American needs to get involved in this battle to save local rule. You have no right to complain if you shake your head and do nothing else.  Act or you will be soon living with the consequences of federal government social engineering.   

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