Monday, May 16, 2016

Bathroom Law: What Happened to Common Sense?

The worst jobs report in seven months.  Stagnant wage growth.  More Americans working part-time. Mounting economic malaise.  These "trivial" issues have been shoved off the news media's agenda by useful political idiots preoccupied with allowing transgender men to pee in the girl's bathroom.

This counterfeit political issue has dominated social media, the news talk shows and the cable networks.  It has been dishonestly labeled as the civil rights issue of the 21st century.  To put it politely as possible, it is a crude political ploy by Democrats to smear average Americans as bigots.

This latest gender outcry was stoked by the North Carolina legislature, which approved a measure requiring individuals to use public bathrooms, showers and changing facilities that correspond to their birth sex.  Few in the media have read the five-page law, officially known as House Bill 2.

That hasn't stopped the talking hairdos and their print patsies from a disinformation campaign against the legislation.  The liberal media has branded the law as discriminatory against the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community, despite LGBT accommodations in House Bill 2.

What has gone unreported is that the legislature was forced to act after the Democrat controlled Charlotte City Council approved a measure requiring businesses, governments and public schools to allow transgender individuals to use not only women's bathrooms, but showers and locker rooms, too.

Prior to the city's action, the state's governor attempted to cobble together a compromise.  The Charlotte Democrats middle-fingered the governor, even after being warned the state constitution forbids cities from enacting laws placing public requirements on businesses and governments.

The Democrats, egged on by LGBT activists, picked a fight with the Republican legislature to create a political storm. Their goal was to tar Republicans with charges they were anti-LGBT, homophobic, racist, sexist, bigots.  It is Page 1 of the Democratic Party election manual.

The lapdog media painted the LGBT crowd as victims and compromised its journalistic integrity by failing to inform Americans how far the Charlotte legislation went, suggesting it only applied to bathrooms.  The news cartel also ignored the state law's language to facilitate unisex bathrooms.

The Charlotte ordinance provided an open bathroom door to everyone. A male or female can claim whatever gender identity they choose to use the facilities of his or her choice.  Nothing in the law prevents any male from using the women's bathroom or showers.

The Charlotte law is silent how an individual certifies his or her gender identity.  As a result, anyone, regardless of how he or she is dressed, can stroll into whatever shower, locker room, steam room, bathroom or changing facility they elect.  No one can stop them. Not even the police.

A sexual predator can use the loophole to enter a woman's bathroom, shower, locker room or changing facility.  There is no recourse under the law for women who might be alarmed over being followed in the restroom by a male.  Common sense was discarded to satisfy a minority.

According to the latest data from the the National Health Institute Study, 1.6 percent of the population identifies as LGBT.  Transgender people make up a much smaller percentage of Americans.  Less than one percent (0.7%) self-reported as transgender in the study conducted in 2014.

This minuscule minority has forced its will on the majority of Americans. To be clear, there are no females clamoring for access to the men's urinal. Transgender men are the ones seeking validation rather than accommodation. They are insisting on access to a women's sanctuary in public places.

The Obama Administration slavishly sided with the LGBT mob.  Within days of the state legislature's action, bullies in the Department of Education ordered all public schools and universities to open their restrooms and showers to students "consistent with their gender identity."

In a letter to America's 16,500 school districts and 7,000 colleges, the education Gestapo went even further than the city of Charlotte.  It decreed that schools and colleges cannot prevent transgender students from participating in men's or women's sports, regardless of their birth sex.

The brown-shirted education collaborators have already made it clear they will blackmail public schools and universities, if needed. They are threatening to jerk federal funding if their dictatorial edict is challenged. This fascist mandate is more evidence of an out-of-control federal government.

The North Carolina legislature acted with uncommon sense. The men and women in the statehouse understood the safety menace to their spouses, daughters and grandchildren.  They don't care about political correctness.  Unfortunately, they have been overruled by unelected federal bureaucrats.

Common sense has been buried in the name of a pseudo sexual identity crisis fueled by Democrats' desire to create a wedge issue to hammer Republicans in the general election. They are not interested in compromise. Democrats are using regulatory manifesto to subvert Congressional prerogative.

There is absolutely nothing discriminatory about requiring people to use facilities according to their birth sex.  Unnecessarily exposing millions of women and girls to sexual predators, rapists and pedophiles can never be justified based on the specious grievances of a few.

If people who are transgender truly seek respect, they are going about it in a tragically flawed way.

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