Monday, June 13, 2016

Islamic Terror: Obama's Lasting Legacy

Three of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in American history have shuddered the country since Barrack Obama became president.  Under any other administration, there would be a national outcry of righteous indignation over the president's inability to keep America safe.

After the horrific terrorist assaults of September 11, 2001, then President George W. Bush was vilified in the media for failure to prevent the bloodshed and berated by Democrats for his response to evil. For the remainder of his two terms, there were no Islamic terrorist strikes on American soil.

Yet there has been hardly a whimper from Obama's apparatchik media in the wake of the weekend terrorist spree in Orlando, where 50 Americans were mercilessly gunned down. This president should be held accountable for dereliction of his duty to defend America from attack.

Hours after the slaughter, an indifferent President Obama went on national television and tepidly condemned terror. He refused to utter the words "Islamic terror," despite overwhelming evidence the rampage had all the earmarks of an ISIS-inspired genocide.

Within minutes of the president's robotic teleprompter monologue, ISIS boasted responsibility for the carnage at the Orlando nightclub.  An FBI agent at the scene had already acknowledged the Orlando shooter was on the government's radar and was suspected of ties to a radical Islam group.

A member of Mr. Obama's party, California Democrat Representative Adam Schiff, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, confirmed that a Department of Homeland Security briefing indicated the gunmen murdered in the name of ISIS.

The shooter, identified as 29-year-old Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, was born in New York to parents from Afghanistan.  He was a Muslim, who married a Uzbekistan woman in 2009, before divorcing her in 2011.  The ex-wife accused Mateen of repeatedly beating her.

If there was any doubt of Mateen's radical connection, Orlando police revealed that he called 911 during his massacre to pledge his allegiance to ISIS, the masked goons who decapitate, rape and execute so-called infidels under the black banner of the Islamic State.

The Orlando shooting frenzy has become a familiar scene under Mr. Obama.  On February 18, two Muslim extremists mowed down 14 people in San Bernardino, California.  In 2009, an Army major with Islamic ties senselessly murdered 13 people at Fort Hood, including 12 members of the military.

Under Mr. Obama, there have been other lower profile terrorist slayings. Shootings at military recruiting centers in Little Rock and Chattanooga were the work of Islamic thugs.  Two Islamic gunmen opened fire at a Texas art show.  Two New York policemen were slain by a Muslim.

This president can bury his head in the desert sand but America is under a terrorist siege orchestrated by ISIS. This latest spasm in Orlando comes on the heels of a public warning from ISIS, urging Muslims to launch attacks during Ramadan, the holiest month on the Muslim calendar.

One of Mr. Obama's first acts as president was to officially expunge the words, "War on Terror," from being used by anyone in his administration. In doing so, he forced America to drop its guard. The nation and its intelligence apparatus no longer stand on full alert, but bow to political correctness.

As a result, America has become more vulnerable to terrorist eruptions on its home soil.  Mr. Obama owns sole responsibility as commander in chief, sworn to protect America against all enemies, both domestic and foreign.  By any measurement, he has utterly failed to carry out this duty.

His so-called campaign to destroy ISIS is laughably inept.  The terrorist group has spread its tentacles across the globe while the president has dithered, kowtowed and begged for a coalition to defeat the enemy. Without American leadership, ISIS will never be extinguished from the face of the Earth.

This weak-kneed president can talk all he wants about smart diplomacy, nuclear treaties and broad coalitions. None of that matters in the war on terror.  If President Obama refuses to act to protect Americans from the Islamic scourge, then he should be impeached.      

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