Monday, July 24, 2017

Obamacare: The Ghost of Obama Haunts GOP

Entitlement programs are like weeds in your lawn.  They are nearly impossible to kill.  Just ask the Republicans, who have promised for seven years to repeal Obamacare, a government-mandated insurance scheme that has failed to deliver improved healthcare and lower costs for Americans.

Republicans have tried to poison the Obamacare weed, succeeding in passing a measure to repeal the failed program in January of last year. As expected it was vetoed by President Obama, who considered the measure the signature achievement of his eight years in office.  The weed remains.

Virtually every Republican office seeker since 2010 has pledged if elected to repeal and replace the trillion-dollar budget buster.  Voters complied, giving the GOP majorities in both the House and Senate.  But that wasn't good enough.  "We need the presidency," Republicans harrumphed.

Donald Trump's election was supposed to clear the way for unplugging Obamacare.  Voters now feel betrayed.  Senate Republicans threw in the towel last week, signaling they did not have the votes to pass a new health insurance bill.  Fooled three times by Republicans, voters are apoplectic.

Republicans lied by claiming the party had a replacement for Obamacare in their desk drawers just waiting for a GOP president. When Mr. Trump called their hand, the GOP had nothing to show. There was no plan that had universal agreement among GOP lawmakers. Just half-baked ideas.

Now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who can't seem to corral his Republican herd of spineless colleagues, wants to save face with a vote to repeal Obamacare.  Give him two years and McConnell thinks he can cobble a plan everyone can agree on.  Horse poop.

McConnell and House Leader Paul Ryan aren't telling Americans the truth about the obstacle to replacing Obamacare. The issue is that the lobbyists, particularly those representing hospitals, insurance firms and medical doctors, are trying to protect their nest eggs gifted by Mr. Obama.

Insurance firms like the model that allows them to recoup any losses from the taxpayers.  That's why the companies have accommodated the law's mandate to insure people with pre-existing conditions. Big insurance loses money on those policies and the firms want taxpayers to make them whole.

That is just one benefit that insurance bigwigs want to shelter  They also like the idea of no competition across state lines giving them a virtual monopoly.  Imagine any other industry where competition ends at the border.  Insane. Socialism. The GOP wants to end the practice.

Hospitals and doctors are afraid of cuts in Medicaid payments. Obamacare lowered reimbursement fees and the Republican legislation would slice payments to doctors and hospitals even more to shave insurance costs. Hospitals and doctors may not like Obamacare, but they fear change even more.

The lobbyists have put the fear of money (not God) into every Republican lawmaker.  Senators and Representatives arrive in Washington each term with every intent to serve voters.  But they soon realize getting re-elected is more important than campaign promises. Elections costs millions.

The crowd on K Street, a Washington thoroughfare which is home to think tanks, lobbyists and advocacy groups, supplies the cash that feeds election politics.  Neither party wants to get on the wrong side of the street from this deep-pocket gaggle, even if it means shafting voters.

Republicans are cowering behind a mountain of excuses for their lack of courage.  They blame House and Senate leaders.  They finger the party's conservative wing.  They fault President Trump for lack of leadership on the issue.  Etc. Etc. Etc. Voters are sick and tired of the excuses.

Republicans control all three branches of government.  When Democrats held the upper hand, they passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote.  Republicans have their chance and are sadly proving they lack the political will of their opponents.  They are gutless charlatans.

Republicans may not get another opportunity to right the wrong of Obamacare.  But they will have no one to blame but themselves.  The same wave of voter resentment that swept Republicans to legislative majorities will wash them out of office in future elections.  And rightfully so.

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