Monday, January 22, 2018

Media's S***hole Hysteria Over Remark

The Washington media has officially become unhinged.  Deranged.  Irrational.  Unbalanced. But mostly dishonest.  There aren't enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe the utter insane behavior of news outlets over President Trump's alleged use of a common term meaning excrement.

For more than a week, the news coverage has been nonstop after Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin claimed the president used the word s***hole to describe several countries, including Haiti.  Democrats and their acolytes in the media went apes****.  Bonkers.  World War III headlines.

CNN, the least trusted news network, encouraged every person on its cable show to label Mr. Trump a racist for daring to refer to an African country as a s***hole land.  The network repeated the offensive term so many times the joke was it should change its name to SHNN.

The source, Mr. Trump, denied using the specific terminology even as he admitted uttering some "rough language" during the private meeting on immigration with representatives of both parties in the Oval Office. The confab was supposed to produce a bi-partisan immigration agreement.

Instead, Durbin sabotaged it.  He violated an unwritten rule of conduct and blabbed what went on in the closed door session.  The media in its unmitigated effort to embarrass the president never bothered to check with others in the meeting.  At least two Republicans never heard the word.

Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue both publicly stated the president did not use s***hole in the discussion.  Cotton, who was sitting as close to the president as Durbin, accused the Democrat of spreading false information.  Despite the push back, the media stuck to Durbin's version. 

No one at CNN checked Durbin's history.  He has lied before about private White House meetings.  In fact, Durbin told a whopper.  In 2013, Durbin claimed that one GOP House member turned to Mr. Obama and said: "I cannot even stand to look at you."  Racist screamed the hyperventilating media.

Only problem was Durbin made up the story.  Asked about the matter at a White House briefing, press secretary Jay Carney told reporters that he had "spoke with somebody" at the meeting and discovered "it did not happen."  Durbin never admitted he lied.  He simply refused to comment.

For a moment, let's assume for the sake of argument that Mr. Trump did indeed refer to an African country as a s***hole.  That places him in good company.  The erudite Mr. Obama called the African country of Libya a "s***show" two years ago in an interview with The Atlantic magazine.

Do you recall any media outlets admonishing Mr. Obama as a racist?  Crickets.  If you think foul language demeans the office of president, do your homework.  Mr. Obama in an interview in Rolling Stone called his opponent Mitt Romney a "bulls****er."  Remember the media outrage?  Me neither.

Mr. Obama, the paragon of presidential demeanor, also referred to rapper Kanye West as a "jacka**" in the audio version of his autobiography "Dreams From My Father." His vice president Joe Biden was caught on microphones using the f-word in reference to the signing of Obamacare legislation.

Those faux journalists at CNN apparently have forgotten that President Lyndon Johnson was celebrated for his profanity-laced White House.  But in those years, the media protected the privacy of presidents.  Potty language has been the grist of politics as far back as Harry Truman and beyond.

The media needs to stop pretending the use of the term "s***hole" in a private meeting bothers average Americans. It doesn't even raise an eyebrow in Realville.  This episode exposes the media's naked hatred of President Trump for all the world to see.  It isn't a pretty sight and it isn't journalism.

It's not surprising media approval is at an all-time low. A recent Pew Research study found only 18 percent of adults say they "trust the information a lot" that is distributed by national news outlets. Yet reporters and editors bristle at the sobriquet "fake news." The media deserves the nickname. 

That's why most people shrugged at the words attributed to the president.  Americans already know the real s****holes in Washington are the media organizations covering the president.  This latest outlandish news coverage certainly did nothing to change the public perception.

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