Sunday, September 30, 2018

Washington: No Town For A Fair Hearing

Fairness, decency and decorum were nowhere to be found in the halls of the Senate building in Washington last week.  Those principles were shredded in the name of partisan politics.  The conduct of some senators turned a serious subject, sexual misconduct, into a farcical circus.

No matter whether you believe Christine Blasey Ford or Judge Brett Kavanaugh, everyone should be chagrined by what they witnessed during the Senate Judiciary hearings.  Instead of collegial etiquette, they were treated to political grandstanding, bickering and backbiting  What a national disgrace.

Normally,  confirmation hearings are somber and sober affairs even in the worst nomination battles.  But not this time.  On opening day, 70 screaming, unruly hecklers were arrested for interrupting the proceedings.  The unprecedented rowdiness set the tone for the remainder of the hearings.

The so-called protest was orchestrated by Democrat activists.  Several were caught on camera paying the demonstrators.  Each person who showed up was paid $50 to disrupt the hearing, received free breakfast, lunch and was given money for bail, according to news sources.  It was a blatant charade.

Despite the obvious theatrics, California's Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein praised the protesters for their outburst against the nominee.  Senator Feinstein, 85 years old and seeking another six-year term, should have condemned the outrageous behavior.  But she was just warming up for her hit job.  

After days of contentious hearings, it was clear Judge Kavanaugh had emerged unscathed.  That is when Senator Feinstein sucker punched the nominee with allegations of sexual misconduct.  She had kept the allegation secret since July, hiding the information from Republicans and Judge Kavanaugh. 

In spite of denials, Senator Feinstein or her proxy leaked the sexual abuse charges to news outlets. No one else had knowledge of the bombshell. She knew the salacious details would ignite a media frenzy that would put her in the national spotlight and boost her campaign.  Shameless political pandering.  

Judge Kavanaugh and Republicans were caught flat-footed.  The nominee and Senator Feinstein huddled privately prior to the hearings.  Never once was the issue of sexual assault raised during the meeting.  Her scheme was to back stab the judge and torpedo the nomination.  Fair play be damned. 

Once the alleged victim's story was made public, it was a matter of time before two unsubstantiated  charges followed.  It was obvious to all but the most partisan Democrat these were orchestrated to create a narrative that Judge Kavanaugh is a serial abuser.  Yell rapist enough times and it sticks.

The stories of abuse have a couple of things in common.  The alleged incidents happened 32-36 years ago.  There are no corroborating witnesses or sworn testimony to support the charges  Democrats cared nothing about the presumption of innocence.  Women should be believed, they bellowed. 

Every victim--male or female--has a right to be heard.  But in America, allegations are just that--allegations--until proven.  Democrats tried to turn the country's standard of due process on its head.  As a result, the hearings devolved into a Kangaroo Court with the accused convicted by the mob.

Democrats attempted to justify their lack of fairness by comparing the hearings to a job interview.  Really?  Please raise your hand if you have ever been on a job interview where you were unexpectedly confronted by a sexual abuse charge?  Waiting.  Still waiting for a show of hands.

As a delay tactic, the Democrats brayed for an FBI investigation.  Senator Feinstein in July could have demanded and been granted an FBI inquiry the moment she received Ms. Ford's letter.  Why didn't she? The senator contends she wanted to honor Ms. Ford's request for confidentiality.

Her claim is not credible since the story including Ms. Ford's name was surreptitiously leaked to the media.  Additionally, the committee chairman offered to fly to California to interview Ms. Ford privately.  The invitation was declined.  Senator Feinstein wanted to engineer a spectacle.

At the eleventh hour the committee majority agreed to ask the FBI to investigate the matter.  Democrats know this a red herring.  The FBI will interview the judge, Ms. Ford and witnesses.  That's it.  The agency will NOT issue an opinion or evaluate the truthfulness of statements.

Democrats know full well the FBI's role.  This is just another stall tactic. Expect Democrats to claim a one-week investigation is not long enough.  Anticipate more baseless allegations to drip...drip..drip into the overflowing bucket of media slime.

Democrats announced minutes after Judge Kavanaugh was chosen for the high court that his nomination was dead on arrival.  Party financial backers and their liberal base demanded it after Judge Neil Gorsuch won Senate approval.  Democrats have every right to vote against this nominee.

But Democrats have no right to irreparably damage a once collaborative process of advice and consent for political gain.  The have perpetrated an injustice on both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. The Democrat Party will one day reap what it has sown.  That day can't arrive soon enough.  

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