Monday, November 26, 2018

Anti-Semitism: The Scourge That Won't Subside

The world cannot seem to shake more than one-thousand years of Anti-Semitism.  Despite determined efforts to stamp out all hate crimes, persecution of Jews continues unabated.  Even in America, Jews are being targeted in larger numbers than ever for their religious beliefs.

Recently, many Americans recoiled in horror after a gunman mowed down 11 people at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.  They were marked for assassination by their executioner for practicing their Jewish faith.  The victims were innocent people whose "crime" was their Jewishness.

Coincidentally, within days of the slaughter, the FBI released data showing Jewish people and institutions were most frequently targeted, accounting for 58.1 percent of all religious based hate crime.  Muslims ranked a distant second at 18.6 percent.  The FBI data is for the year 2017.

The mainstream media as expected needed a scapegoat for the increase in violence against Jews.  To no one's surprise they blamed the rhetoric of President Trump for the murderous rampage.  That may be the most nonsensical, unsubstantiated charge ever leveled against this president.

The president's son-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish.  Mr. Trump's daughter Ivanka, who is married to Kushner, converted to Judaism.  The couple's children are being raised in the Jewish faith.  Mr. Trump has been the most pro-Israel president in history.

Name just one anti-Jewish statement uttered by Mr. Trump.  Or a Anti-Semitic tweet.  You can't do it because none exist.  The media and politicians know that too but they are never, ever going to expose the No. 1 Jew Hater in America. 

The truth is that the mainstream media, politicians and black leaders are afraid to point the finger at the prime source of Anti-Semitism in this country.  His name is Minister Louis Farrakhan, an 84-year-old African-American who bills himself as the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Despite his decades-long openly Anti-Semitic crusade, no one dares condemn him.  He has the ear of powerful politicians.  He has been photographed with everyone from Barrack Obama to Democratic senators and representatives  Their silence is tacit endorsement for his poisonous hatred.

When he is not denigrating Jews, this pseudo minister rallies his followers to support his favored politicians.  In 1988, he exhorted his disciples to back Jesse Jackson's bid for the Democratic Party nomination.  He was back in the news in 1995, helping organize the 'Million Man March,"

These activities give him a certain cache among politicians, especially Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus.  But make no mistake about his putrid ideology.  This man is a Jew hating psychopath who at times has all but called for genocide against Jews.

In his latest rant, Farrakhan compared Jews to "termites," borrowing the same description the German Nazis used during their bloodthirsty campaign to exterminate the Jewish race.  Not a single African-American senator or representative had the guts to castigate this vile man. Not one.

The Anti-Defamation League, a pro-Jewish group, cited a recent report that social media harassment of Jewish Americans increased during the latest election.  While social media platforms regularly censor conservative views, Farrakhan is treated with kid gloves.  He is The Untouchable.

Imagine if anyone was preaching this same kind of hatred against Muslims.  The national uproar would be deafening.  Why does this nation and others tolerate blatantly anti-Jewish hate speech? There is only one conclusion to draw.  Anti-Semitism exists because we allow it. 

A few Swastikas spray painted on synagogues is treated as a prank.  A smashed widow at a Jewish shop is just a petty crime.  Even the horrific Pittsburgh murders did not generate the same level of inflamed news coverage as school shootings or the most recent carnage at a California bar and grill.

As long as the Louis Farrakhan's of the world are freely allowed to spew venom about Jews without any retribution, the level of violence against Jews will only increase.  If our politicians won't stand up against this wretched evil man, then the American people must take matters in their own hands.

A nation that condones anti-Semitism is destined to follow the road that leads to Nazism.  That may sound like hyperbole to some of you, but remember the German people refused to raise their voices while Hitler's goon squads rounded up Jews and sent millions to their deaths.  Silence is consent.

Raise your voices.  We are Americans.  We don't condone hatred of any religious group. Those who embrace hatred do not deserve a public platform despite our First Amendment guarantee of Free Speech.  It is time to muffle Farrakhan and banish this religious bigot from the American stage. 

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