Monday, April 1, 2019

Mueller: No Collusion. No Obstruction. No End.

After issuing 2,800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants and interviewing 500 witnesses  Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller finally pulled the plug on his global investigation into allegations the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election.

Mueller submitted his 300-page-plus report to end 22 months of an exhaustive probe conducted by 19 hand-picked attorneys assisted by 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, professional staff and even foreign governments.  The cost to taxpayers: about $35 million.

After nearly two years of unsubstantiated media speculation, Mueller dealt a crushing blow to Trump-haters by admitting there is no evidence of collusion.  The media bawled in protest.  They had published unverified accounts suggesting Mueller was going shatter the Trump presidency.

In his report, Mueller tossed a liferaft to the media and Democrats declaring his probe "did not exonerate President Trump nor conclude" he obstructed justice.  Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz called the wording a "cop out" and scolded Mueller for the obfuscation.

While the Mueller report did not charge Mr. Trump with a crime, it's verdict provides an indictment of the nation's media which lied to the public.  That is what happens when the media is invested in destroying a president rather than fulfilling its obligation for fairness and unvarnished truth.

Take a stroll down Media Memory Lane with some choice salacious charges from alleged journalists.

A New Yorker Magazine article reported Mr. Trump had been a Russian asset since 1987. A Washington Post columnist wrote "there is copious evidence" of collusion. New York Times' venerable columnist Paul Krugman opined "there is really no question of Trump/Putin collusion."

If you are expecting mea culpas from a discredited press, you are one of the few who cling to the notion the media is unbiased and ethical.  It cannot be refuted that many in the media deliberately fabricated "anonymous" sources to convict Mr. Trump in advance of the Mueller document.

Even with its reputation in tatters, the media linked hands with Democrats in calling for public release of the report, which has been granted.  The conspirators still believe there is some kernel of treason buried in a footnote that escaped Attorney General Anthony Barr's terse summary.

Meanwhile, the real story behind the report has been stashed in a skeleton closet in Washington.  Now it is abundantly clear this investigation hinged on a single 35-page document produced by a former English spook on the payroll of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton.

Apologists claim this dossier was opposition research.  That may be true but it was peddled to the media and leaked without any caveats about its authenticity or lack of proof for the incriminating assertions.   To this day, there is not one scintilla of evidence to support the insinuations.

Christopher Steele, an ex-employee of the British intelligence agency MI6, wrote the infamous, unsubstantiated dossier that was used by the FBI, the Justice Department and their collaborators to justify a probe of a sitting president who vanquished their presumptive winner. 

Having read the Steele dossier, it is unfathomable that intelligent people would take at face value the claims without verifiable proof.  Steele's document is the stuff of fiction, claiming Mr. Trump's "perverted sexual acts" in Moscow were secretly filmed by the Russians to be used to blackmail him.

Steele wrote that top Russian intelligence officers directed by President Putin had compromised Mr. Trump and had virtually owned him for "five years."  The former spy peppered his report with unsourced accusations supposedly given to him by a "confidential/sensitive source." Baloney.

Based on Steele's thin report, the media, Democrats and Obama officials seized the contents without independent verification and weaponized it in a coup attempt to negate the 2016 presidential election. Without the muckraking Steele document, there would have been no basis for a special prosecutor.

The unscrupulous Steele invention was the cornerstone of the FBI investigation, directed by James Comey, to dupe a secret court into ordering federal wiretapping to spy on Trump associates.  To this day, even the vaunted FBI cannot corroborate a single allegation in the Steele fabrication.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has vowed to get answers on the origins of the Steele file.  The man behind the portfolio on Mr. Trump needs to be investigated by the Department of Justice and hauled before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Someone must be held accountable for this charade.

But don't expect the rancor over Russian collusion to end.  Desperate people will latch on to counterfeit propositions and bogus claims to continue to justify their conspiracy theory.  Mueller has spoken.  Time to accept the facts and cease impeachment fantasies.

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