Monday, January 11, 2021

January 6: The Day Americans Wept For Our Nation

The saddest day in American history is seared into our memories. Angry insurrectionists, waving a flag that symbolizes freedom, committed anarchy.  Thousands breached America's capitol, invading the halls of Congress as the world watched in horror.  Mob behavior is unAmerican.  It is shameful. Unacceptable.

What happened January 6 can never be repeated.  Not if America wants to survive as the shining beacon of democracy.  Americans feel ashamed.  We want swift justice for those who perpetrated this despicable act. There can be no excuse for a full scale incursion that left five dead, 52 arrested and 14 police injured.

Passions were ignited by President Trump who gave a fiery speech to about 200,000 supporters.  As the rally was ending, frenzied thousands rushed toward the Capitol, tearing down security fencing. The scenes were broadcast around the globe.  A collective gasp arose from stunned world leaders.

A peaceful transition to a new administration was shattered in those moments.  President Trump was condemned by lawmakers, his own party leaders and the media. Even staunch supporters piled on. He will live with this ignominy for the remainder of his days.  The nightmare will haunt him and the nation.

Assigning blame, will not heal America. We need soul searching.  We need to hold up a mirror and force ourselves to confront realities many have ignored.  This nation is hopelessly divided by politics, certainly.  But that masks what really bugs many Americans.  It has nothing to do with political parties.

Our divisions are caused by evil.  This evil goes by many names. Hatred. Arrogance.  Intolerance. Pride. Injustice. Ridicule. Hypocrisy. Incivility. We no longer respect each other.  We don't honor our institutions.  We are a country of US versus THEM.  Unity has become a fleeting aspiration.

Today we cry out for a truly United States.  Realistically, we will not find national peace when fissures exist in our families and friendships over politics. No one should be shocked there is a yawning chasm in our country when even our closest relationships are bisected over what candidate we support.  

Confronted with the most challenging health crisis in nearly a century, America choose division.  Politicians from both sides of the aisle refused to work together yet seem shocked when ordinary citizens developed polarized views on the outbreak. 

This could have been a unifying moment.  All Americans, all politicians, the media coming together as one nation to confront this ugly Coronavirus.  That never happened.  Why?  The answers are myriad but the most obvious is that our leaders never sought solidarity.  They chose political gamesmanship.  

Throughout 2020, America was roiled by looting, burning and anarchy in our streets.  Many refused to condemn the mob violence because it was rooted in an idea that Black Lives Matter.  Did anyone believe allowing lawlessness by one group would not give tacit permission for more rebellious conduct?

How many political leaders and media outlets denounced summer's mob violence? Businesses were destroyed.  Police were killed and injured.  Looting was endorsed by politicians as acceptable because the people were disenfranchised.  Anarchists controlled entire parts of cities.  Many applauded. 

Do we excuse violence in some cases and castigate it in other situations?  Violence is wrong no matter the circumstances.  Anarchy is misguided no matter the cause.  Killing other human beings is a sinful act, if they are police prisoners or babies in the womb.  What we condone as a nation we will reap.

When unruly activists took over parts of a Senate office building to protest the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, they were celebrated.  Political leaders defended their indefensible behavior as patriotic support of women's rights.  Why was this condoned? What message did it send?

Let me make this clear.  None of these incidents rise to the level of January 6.  I do not cite these to excuse the ugliness of the Capitol rampage.  But Americans can no longer deny we are living in a age of violence and anarchy.  Examples abound.  Ignore them at your own peril. 

The root cause is Hatred.  There is so much seething in this country that tranquility is impossible.  We mock people for their political and social views.  We demonize those who disagree with us.  We hate a president, a speaker of the house, a class of people and the symbols of our shared history.  

Instead of solving our differences peacefully we yell at each other. We choose sides and ignore solutions. The nation resembles a schoolyard playground, one flashpoint away from a brawl.  Blame politicians or the media.  The truth is WE are responsible for upholding American values.

What is occurring in America is a battle for its soul.  Some want to rewrite America's past.  They are contemptuous of our founders, our flag, our statues, our national anthem.  Just as many Americans cherish our history, even with all its flaws.  Our values and ideals are no longer common. 

Politicians recognize this national conflict and are using it to tear us asunder.  You and I don't have to take the bait.  We have a choice. Learn why others think differently than you; respect their viewpoints; remain civil in communications (including emails) with everyone. That's on US.  Not THEM.

Finally, we need to turn to God in our darkness.  It may sound trite but I make no apology.  America will not find the answer in our political class no matter how noble the politician.  Only God can heal what is broken. Let's not waste this opportunity to put our faith in Him.

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