Monday, April 12, 2021

Mr. President: Jim Crow Does Not Live In Georgia

The most powerful word in the English language is racist.  Tag a new law with that epithet and watch the stampede to convict.  Forget defending the legislation or relying on facts to spare supporters from a public pillorying.  A thunder clap of outrage will drown-out fair analysis in favor of political pandering.  

President Joe Biden cratered to a tiny minority of divisive racial activists and hurled a charge of Jim Crowism after Georgia's legislature approved changes in the state's election laws.  The offensive term Jim Crow refers to racial segregation policies of decades past, promulgated by Southern Democrats. 

"This is Jim Crow in the 21st Century.  It must end," Mr. Biden huffed in a statement.  He added the Georgia election changes are "an atrocity" and warned the Department of Justice is "taking a look" at the measure.  His condemnation inflamed racial division and was a thinly veiled threat to Georgia.

Corporations piled on after they were bullied by well organized activist groups.  Coca Cola, Delta, American Airlines and Apple are just a few of the business behemoths who upbraided the legislature for daring to alter election laws in their own state.  These limousine liberals are cowardly Woke lackeys.    

The complicit media, paced by that paragon of journalistic pugilism CBS News, lobbied companies to punish Georgia for caring about election integrity.  Faux writers at CBS tweeted an article citing "three ways companies can help fight Georgia's new voting law." Today this passes for unbiased reporting.

The coup-de-gras was applied when Major League Baseball jerked the All-Star Game from Atlanta to punish those mean racists. Commissioner Rob Manfred, a dunderhead of a leader, harrumphed that his millionaire owners oppose "restrictions at the ballot box." That'll show those dumb crackers.

The kerfuffle was stoked by lies, deliberate misinformation and media malfeasance.  Few if any of the participants in the finger-wagging, self-righteousness executive suites actually read the bill.  How can you tell?  Their responses and public-posturing were detached from the reality of the Georgia law.

At the eye of this racial hurricane is the media anointed Uinifier-in-Chief. Perhaps, someone should suggest Mr. Biden read the 98-page Election Protection Act before leveling salacious accusations. That might be asking too much, since he rarely engages publicly except to parrot a prepared script. 

The president butchered the facts so badly even the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post winced. The paper's fact-checkers awarded Mr. Biden "four pinnochios" for this remarks about the legislation. The Post reserves four long-noses for what it claims "whoppers." Translation: big fat lies.   

"One could understand a flub in a news conference," the Post noted. "But then this same claim popped up in an official presidential statements.  Not a single expert we consulted who has studied the law understood why Biden made this claim" the newspaper's fact-checkers wrote.  

Here's a summary of The Washington Post's assessment of election law changes approved by the Republican-dominated Georgia legislature:

  • Nothing in the new law changes early voting hours.  The law did make changes to expand the opportunities for early voting, not limit them.
  • The bill does not limit in-person voting, but the new law gives election officials the opportunity to extend the hours longer than regular business hours.
  • The bill prohibits people from soliciting votes of those in line by offering money or gifts, including but not limited to food and water.  It does not prohibit a poll worker from making available, self-service water.
  • The law does not eliminate absentee ballot drop boxes for ballots.  Last election, drop boxes were set up in unsecured, outdoor locations.  Ballot boxes now must be secured inside buildings.  
In the bill, there are provisions to shrink the period for early voting from 78 days before an election, instead of 180-days instated last year as a concession to Coronavirus. But the act expands both the hours and the days on which polls are open for early voting, including Saturdays.  

The law also creates a hotline where Georgians can report illegal election activities and voter suppression. Other changes include around-the-clock surveillance of drop boxes; ballots printed on security paper; and, verification of voter identities.

That last item, voter identification, always throws Democratic Party partisans into a tizzy. However, the new law allows voters to use driver's licenses, state issued identifications or the last four digits of their Social Security number.  There is no legitimate way to claim that suppresses voting.

To do so, requires reverse racial discrimination. Americans are required to have an ID to  rent an apartment, open a bank account, enter a federal building, drive a car, apply for food stamps, purchase alcohol or cigarettes, apply for unemployment, receive Medicaid, fly on an airplane or get married.

Are activists suggesting African-Americans, Hispanics and other minorities don't need an ID because they do none of those things? Talk about racial profiling. Georgia, like many states including Texas, issues free identifications to those without driver's licenses.  Voting is as easy as buying beer.

That raises the question: Why is the president so upset if the new law actually makes voting more accessible in many respects?  The answer should be obvious.  Mr. Biden and his Democrat cronies do not want states mucking around with voter integrity.  They prefer the chaos of the last election.   

That's why Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her gaggle of Democrat bobbleheads have teed up new federally mandated voting rules as their top priority.  Democrats' agenda is to dictate balloting laws, despite the Elections Clause in the Constitution, which delegates primary authority to states.

The racial ruckus in Georgia is a warning to states.  Don't monkey with election laws.  Democrats and their media puppets will segregate you from the rest of the country and trump up racial charges to smear your state and inflict economic harm.  Jim Crow is alive and well and living in Washington. 

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