Monday, March 28, 2022

Denying Reality About Transgender Athletes

The news media dove into the deep end of the ideological pool after a transgender swimmer won the NCAA women's championship. Coverage was effusive for the victor Lia Thomas, a biological male. Historic. Courageous.Transformative.  The media drowned viewers in its own gender delusion.

Lia Thomas swam three years on the University of Pennsylvania men's swim team as Will Thomas. He won no NCAA titles. After undergoing hormone therapy, Will became Lia.  Thomas switched to the women's team in 2020.  The university and the NCAA affirmed Will is now officially a female. 

Since adopting a new gender, Thomas has been unstoppable competing against women.  He or she has set school, Ivy League and NCAA records. In a 1650 freestyle final, the six-foot-one, 132-pounder vanquished women competitors, winning by 38 seconds.  That margin is unheard of in swimming. 

Many female swimmers criticized the NCAA for allowing this travesty. They were vilified as bigots.  In fairness, others supported Lia Thomas. They were lauded for showing compassion and respect for transgender athletes.  Today there are 31 transgender athletes competing in women's sports. 

Joining the chorus of adulation were college administrators, sports organizations, pro athletes, Hollywood, politicians, corporations, social media and LGBTQ activists.  Although they are few in number, their voices are amplified in the media. However, most Americans disagree with their views.

A Gallup poll last May found that 62% of those surveyed said they "felt transgender people should have to complete on teams with athletes of their birth gender."  Just 34% supported transgender athletes playing on teams that aligned with their gender identity. 

Gender ideologues disagree, claiming excluding women who are trans harms all women.  It reinforces stereotypes that women are weak, activists point out.  Gender zealots argue women don't need protection from the intrusion of transgenders in their sports. Their position denies science. 

No amount of estrogen can undo the biological benefits of male genetics and development. A 2020 study in the British Medical Journal concluded that athletes transitioning retain a competitive advantage against women even after two years of hormone treatment.   

Weeks after Thomas demolished women's competitors, the Biden Administration announced plans to amend Title IX regulations that ushered in an era of equal resources for facilities, training, recruitment and scholarship for female college athletics 

Under the guise of combating discrimination, the administration's Education Department plans to endorse biological males to compete in women's athletics in the name of equity.  This action would undo 50-years of women's progress in college athletics achieved under Title IX.

State lawmakers are fighting to preserve equal competition in women's sports.  A total of 37 states have introduced bills to keep women athletics for biological women.  Nine states have approved such measures. Expect Biden to unleash the Department of Justice to attack the laws as hate legislation.

The administration won't stop with colleges.  High schools sports will soon be in the bullseye. Public schools will cave because the Department of Education will jerk funding in retribution. For that reason, school districts don't dare  challenge the authority of Washington. Most will surrender without a peep.

In a sign of how far this ideological illusion is embedded in the culture, Supreme Court nominee Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson dodged a senator's question on the definition of a woman at the Senate hearings.  Her response: "I'm not a biologist." Her reply reveals more about the culture than the nominee.

What's ironic is less than 0.6% of people identify as transgender, according to a study by UCLA's Williams Institute. That amounts to about 1.4 million Americans.  Progressives and activists demand that society caters to this tiny minority.  The other 99.4% of Americans must bow to this ideology. 

All sports are underpinned by competition and fairness. Biological males have no right to compete against women.  Female athletes harbor no ill will toward the LBGTQ community.  Many insist they respect the transgender revolution. The issue is fairness not discrimination.

Our nation is saturated with identity phobia. Americans must rebel against the cultural doctrine that biology is just an identity choice. The Creator made male and female.  He was not confused. 

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