Monday, April 18, 2022

Hunter Biden Scandal May Ensnare The President

The curtain of media censorship cloaking L'Affaire Hunter Biden is finally being lifted.  For almost two years the legacy media ignored reports about the contents of Hunter's laptop after the New York Post broke the story in 2020.  Social media platforms banned any mention of the emails and videos.  

The Post's bombshell report detonated during the final weeks of the presidential election. Much like the Hillary Clinton email kerfuffle, the revelations threatened to derail the Biden presidential run. Democrats needed a way to discredit the politically embarrassing laptop discovery. 

Team Biden recruited 51 former U.S. Intelligence officials to label the New York Post story a classic example of Russian disinformation. The media dutifully repeated the lie. The truth is not one of those intelligence chiefs, including former CIA Director John Brennan, ever examined the laptop.

Despite the coverup, more media outlets authenticated the laptop belonged to Hunter.  Politico, Fox News and a handful of others exposed the contents, which painted a tawdry picture of Hunter and contained clues the president knew more than he has admitted publicly about his son's deals.

In March,  The New York Times and The Washington Post belatedly ran stories about the trove of documents on Hunter's foreign deals.  The Twin Temples of Babble downplayed the significance of the details and reported they found no evidence Joe Biden knew about his son's deals. 

Apparently, they didn't look. The propaganda organs for the Democrats patted themselves on the backs and buried the matter. The fact both outlets corroborated the laptop's authenticity may seem shocking, but the liberal indoctrination voices are signaling there will be no more laptop coverage. 

This is a strategy orchestrated by the White House to inoculate the president once Republicans take control of the House in the mid-terms. Likely-Speaker Mike McCarthy has promised to launch an investigation into Hunter's dealings.   

The president and his press secretary will claim it is old news.  The GOP is conducting a witch hunt. Nothing to see.  However, storm clouds are hovering over the Biden family. A federal grand jury is investigating Hunter over allegations of money laundering, fraud and foreign lobbying.

Delaware U.S. Attorney David C. Weiss leads the probe. His boss is the president's Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has demonstrated he marches to White House orders. As a result, expect Hunter to receive a slap on the wrist and a fine before the mid-terms.  Case closed.

In anticipation of such an outcome, about 100 House Republicans dispatched a letter to Garland urging him to appoint a special counsel to remove the appearance of undue influence. Democrats used this same justification for the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to probe President Trump.

There is good reason for the GOP to suspect administration officials will stomp their feet on the scales of justice.  Hunter was under investigation by the Department of Justice for tax evasion for more than a year.  Last year he quietly paid $1 million in back taxes.   

The DOJ kept the probe under wraps.  There were no public details about how much Hunter owed.  Was this a partial settlement?  Did it include fines?  This is how justice works under the current Democrat administration. The Bidens are protected.  But those pesky laptop emails won't go away.  

Details of the emails are leaking every day suggesting the president not only was aware of his son's deals but may have used his influence to gain access for Hunter to the inner circles of business chieftains through his relationships with leaders in China and Ukraine.

Hunter's laptop contains a collection of incriminating documents and emails detailing schemes with foreign entities that doled out millions of dollars to gain access to then VP Joe Biden. Authenticated emails confirm Hunter's father attended dinners with foreign investors and business partners.

In addition, there are photographs of the president with Hunter's investors and partners.  The two jetted to China aboard Air Force Two where the president met with his son's business associates involved in deals to enrich Hunter. That's why the president's claims of "no knowledge "are ludicrous.

One email shows then VP Biden penned a letter of recommendation to Brown University on behalf of Hunter's Chinese business partner's son, Chris Li.  Hunter's firm Rosemont Seneca was at the time involved with Chinese investment firms Bohai Capital and BHR.

The Washington Post documented that the Communist Party-controlled CEFC energy giant paid $4.8 million to entities connected to Hunter over an 18 month period prior to Joe Biden's announcement that he was running for president.   Coincidence or influence peddling?

Another email on Hunter's laptop dispels the notion that Joe Biden was a bystander and not a participant in his son's business affairs.  In the 2017 email sent to a Washington office manager, Hunter asks to "have keys made for new office mates: Joe Biden, Jill Biden and Jim Biden."

Emails reveal that Hunter planned to also share the space with an "emissary" for the chairman of the Chinese energy company, CEFC. The so-called emissary represents Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC. Yet President Biden expects voters to believe he never spoke with Hunter about business deals.

Despite the mounting evidence, President Biden clings to his tattered, old answer on all subjects Hunter: 'I love my son and I knew nothing about this dealings and never spoke to him about the matter.'

Democrats often complain there are two systems of justice.  They actually are right.  There is one system for Democrats and one for Republicans. Powerful Democrats always manage to escape justice. Will this be another example?  Don't bet against it. 

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