Monday, May 2, 2022

Hysteria Over Elon's Twitter Purchase

Liberals epic meltdown over Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter exposes their support for media censorship. How dare a billionaire endorse Constitutionally guaranteed free speech! That cannot be allowed. Liberals sound like Stalinists demanding control of information for public consumption. 

Their arguments to reign in free speech would make the framers of the Constitution furious.  The founders foresaw the dangers to democracy if the government or politicians were to abridge unfettered public discourse. Authoritarian governments first instinct is to clamp down on free speech. 

CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and other liberal media outlets are outraged that a billionaire has the audacity to takeover Twitter, a public forum.  Their hissy fit would be humorous if it wasn't so hypocritical. 

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and one of the world's richest individuals.  The New York Times is the property of Carlos Slim, whose wealth dwarfs Musk's fortune. Another billionaire Mark Zuckerberg rides head over the social media platform Facebook.

The Los Angeles Times newspaper, a reliably liberal voice, is the plaything of billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, who has often been accused of financial misrepresentation. Billionaire Rupert Murdock sits on the throne of The Wall Street Journal.

Here a billionaire, there a billionaire. A handful of elites decide what information is ladled  out to the public.  Liberals seem fine with that. So why the visceral reaction to Elon's Twitter purchase?  The reason is simple.  Twitter has censored conservative discourse. Liberals want the censorship to continue.

No less authority than disgraced conspiracy theorist Democrat Adam Schiff took to Twitter to announce he was "concerned his (Musk) personal views will stop the fight against disinformation." This is the same California congressman who flogged the discredited Russia-Trump collusion story.

Time correspondent Charlotte Alter's diatribe is the perfect summary of the liberal media's hysterics. She wrote on Twitter that Elon's quest for free speech represented a "white male obsession" to spread disinformation.  Hmmm.  She never leveled such an accusation at the other billionaire media moguls.

Billionaire Democrat Party sugar daddy George Soros is so unhinged by the prospect of free speech on Twitter that one of his many left-wing funded organizations Open Markets Institute called on the Department of Justice to block the Musk deal.  The request drips with anti-free speech venom.

Twitter kicked off Reverend Franklin Graham for a posting about the power of prayer.  When Graham challenged the social media platform, the pastor claims the censors were upset about a comment on his own website about parental involvement in school board meetings.  Tut. Tut.  What an incorrigible man!

Even irreverent, comedic site Babylon Bee was booted from Twitter. Those ninny censors at the social media giant can't take a joke.  The Bee's offense was to spoof the the censors. That must have tweaked Vijaya Gadde, who rakes in $17 million annually for her role as Head Censor.  

When the New York Post dropped the bombshell about Hunter Biden's laptop, Twitter's former CEO Jack Dorsey banned any mention of the story before the 2020 election.  Dorsey used his speech-suppression sledgehammer to stamp out "disinformation" that is universally accepted today as accurate. 

Now liberals are openly worrying that Elon will use Twitter to influence elections. Imagine the irony.  They are the ones who lobbied Dorsey to quell the New York Post story because it might tip the scales to former President Trump.  Election influence?  It is only a good thing when liberals do it.  

This is what this liberal hullabaloo is all about: controlling the information the public views on the nation's online town hall.  Free speech scares the daylights out of liberals.  Forget the Constitution. Freedom of speech is bad because the public needs to be protected by liberal values from the truth.

Liberals are terrified that Twitter will lift its permanent ban on former President Trump.  That's the real agenda. Trump had 88 million followers at one time, the most ever on Twitter.  Mr. Trump is the boogeyman liberals hate.  Not drug or human smugglers who post on Twitter.

Elon was beloved by the media until he pulled out his wallet and threw money at Twitter. Now he's Public Enemy No. 1 for saying out loud that he supports free speech.  That sacred right was extolled by politicians and the media at one time. Today the media believes censorship is good of America.

As could have been anticipated, the Biden Administration has unveiled a new Disinformation Governance Board as part of the Department of Homeland Security.  You can't make this stuff up. The White House announced the board will crack down on what it deems online disinformation.

Elon Musk is now in the crosshairs of the powerful federal government.  In a warning shot, a federal judge denied Elon's request to scrap a 2018 settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission after the Twitter deal. If Homeland Security can't undercut Elon, the SEC will step in.

The administration's next move will be to re-open the lucrative billion dollar contracts Elon's Space X private company has with NASA.  Do not doubt this prediction.  Biden's minions in Washington will find a way to reinstate censorship at Twitter.  The truth will shatter their disinformation.

Americans should be insulted. The campaign against free speech is built on the idea that Americans are too dumb to decide for themselves what information may be false.  America's founders believed in the people's judgment.  They trusted the citizens with the freedom of speech.

Free speech is no longer free under the heavy hand of censors, either in the government or those who control wide swaths of information dissemination. The government, in fact, has been one of the biggest spreaders of misinformation and disinformation.  Who will censor Washington?

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