Sunday, May 29, 2022

Horror and Heartbreak in Uvalde

The peaceful rural Texas town of Uvalde grieves today in the aftermath of a ghoulish  rampage. A teenager ambushed an elementary school, indiscriminately murdering little children.  Tiny kids huddled in terror, savagely gunned down.  Again and again the teenager fired until he was shot dead.

The bloodbath traumatized the close-knit community of 16,000 and stunned Americans.  Schools are becoming killing fields. This year our nation has endured 27 school killings, a deadly record. Unfathomable grief and a lifetime of nightmares left in the violent wake of each carnage.

Every American is posing the same question.  What is wrong with our country?  Answering that requires peering into the soul of our nation. Teenagers, especially young males, are more violent. Troubled.  Often abused.  Disconnected. The term "lone wolf" is used to describe these gunmen.  

After a macabre killing spree, the nation should be united in its resolve to never, ever allow our children to be harmed again.  You can judge a country by how it values its children.  Unfortunately, in gruesome times such as these, Washington erupts into partisan bickering and name-calling.  Shameful. Disgusting.

The knee-jerk reaction is to ban guns. That will stop the killing.  But I grew up in an era where everyone, teenagers included, owned guns in Mississippi.  My high school parking lot was littered with trucks sporting racks of rifles and shotguns. No one feared someone would open fire at students. 

Guns are a handy scapegoat for killings.  But why do so many teenagers use weapons to maim in the first place? Especially a youth who has his whole life ahead.  This may be uncomfortable to hear, but there has been a steady, but precipitous decline in moral values. Life is no longer precious.  

A culture of violence consumes America.  Violence is seething in the mean streets of big cities, on streaming services, in movies, video games, on social media and on the internet. We can't ignore it.  But we do. Impressionable minds become numb to violence and the killing of a human being.

Pervasive evil is dismissed as psychiatric disorder.  Many shooters are clearly mentally ill.  But often after killing sprees, students, parents and teachers admit they spotted odd or rebellious behavior.  But no one acts on their instinct to take action.  It's too late after the fact. Why did they wait?

Why don't students tell adults about disturbed classmates? They don't want to be called snitches.  They are afraid of being bullied, reprimanded by a teacher or being confronted by parents demanding to know why their child is being questioned.  We have to make it comfortable for kids to say what they see.

In the Uvalde tragedy, the killer allegedly sent inappropriate texts to girls. Teen girls whispered about his threats to harm them. A few residents said the killer was bullied because of a stutter with a lisp. At one point, the Washington Post reported, the youth cut his own face with a knife for fun.

No one informed police of his behavior. Unfortunately, the incessant demonizing of police in the culture has caused a growing hostility toward law enforcement. Even in a tight knit community, people are afraid to tell police. Americans don't want to get involved. This needs to change immediately. 

This evil that stalks our nation is disguised as aberrant behavior.  Just kids acting up. However, there are deep mental health issues afflicting young people. Drug use among teenagers is rising. Suicides are spiking. Acts of self harm are escalating.  When will we address these issues? How long will it take?

In every single school massacre, the killer leaves a trail on social media.  The Uvalde murderer posted on Facebook he was going to shoot his grandmother.  He shot her in the face and then bragged online. Later, he posted he was about to open fire at a school. Facebook failed to alert authorities.

Social media is the sewer that enables evil.  Facebook's vaunted algorithms are supposed to ferret out threats of violence.  In virtually every school massacre, the killer wants attention. They act out online and then murder the defenseless.  It is a pattern.  Police know it. So does Facebook. 

The killer, I refuse to mention his name, also posted a picture on Instagram of an AR (Assault Rifle) and a backpack full of ammunition. He put up videos on the social media platform screaming at his mother and cursing her as she tried to kick him out of the house. Police were not notified.

When is the nation going to hold social media companies criminally responsible for their irresponsible business practices?  Facebook owns Instagram.  Facebook's PR executive dodged any responsibility. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is hiding from the media.  They value profit over young lives.

You will hear many solutions from Washington.  Most of them won't do anything to solve the real problems.  Our society has too many broken homes.  Too many single parent households.  Too many abused children.  Too many negligent parents.  Ignoring these problems ensures future slaughter.

Often police or armed school guards are the last line of defense against an armed invasion of a school.  In Uvalde, an ongoing investigation reveals police did not immediately rush the shooter.  A back entry to the school was carelessly left ajar.  Police and the school need to be held accountable.  

There are no quick fixes.  Protecting our school children is the top priority.  Schools are soft targets for evil.  Governments should provide funding to harden every school. There needs to be a single entry with double doors and cameras. Armed guards on premises.  Is that too much to ask?

Mental health services need to be beefed up in communities and schools.  Employing a school counselor is not a solution.  Our children are left under the protection of teachers and administrators who often fail to notice or remain reluctant to report red-flag mental issues. They must be empowered to act.

Parents must inspect what they expect at school.  They need to be involved in every aspect of their children's education, including school safety.  Regular contact with teachers and counselors might help parents learn about a child's behavioral problems at school. Parents must make the time to do it.

After a tragedy, our nation has a history of praying, weeping and demanding results for a few weeks.  Then leaders move on to another crisis before solving the most important job America has: protecting its children.  If we cannot guarantee our children's safety, then we don't value God's most precious gift. 


  1. The last thing you want is amending the Constitution to terminate the 2nd Amendment. The second Amendment is essential to keep tyranny in check. That is the only reason we have it.
    Every school needs to be professionally hardened and highly trained dedicated armed guards are required.
    Every school district in America has AT LEAST four individuals capable of shooting young children.
    A professional armed school protector must assume that in the next hour someone will attack the school. This requires constant vigilance, inspection of doors, eyes on all approaches. No exceptions to the rules.

    What happened in Uvalde is inexcusable. It would not have happened if a teacher did not deliberately subvert and destroy the security system. That this could happen reflects on the entire incompetent district leadership. This did not happen once. That door was ajar every day of the school year! GUARANTEED.

    These deaths were caused by drug induced psychosis and the criminal incompetence and neglect of the school administration leadership and the district and Uvalde police departments.

  2. Drew, thanks for your insightful comments and commentary, and your passion for this topic.

    Without doubt, we need to improve the vigilance and security at all schools. And we need to have a mental health care system much like it was decades ago. All that will help. But I believe all that misses a more essential point.

    I am not in favor of abolishing or amending the second amendment to our Constitution. But spare me the Fox News dribble about not being able to deal with this issue because we need to defend against tyranny. That misses an essential solution.

    Who in this country, except for law enforcement, needs an assault rifle? What 18 year old citizen..or any age citizen, for that matter...has any use for an assault rifle, except to propagate a killing field of our citizens and children?

    Such is the propaganda of the NRA, confusing the right to bear arms with the right to buy and use an assault rifle. Can we not see the difference? But so long as the NRA, and their political power prevail, our children will be slaughtered and families will deal with unspeakable grief. Because we do not have the courage to deal with the truth that this country should abolish assault rifles. As many other countries have done.

    We are not a courageous country, and we are not a smart country. You're right, Drew, social media...and much of our a sewer, and it has washed our intelligence down the proverbial drain. We can bring solutions to this problem. Will we?

    1. As the country descends into a lawless “ State of Nature” defunding police, releasing murderous criminals from jail, with lunatic leftist politicians ( including the unelected current VP office holder) calling for endless violence which of course incites their brown shirted militia to intimidate, injure and murder their political opponents at baseball fields or as Rep Maxine Waters preaches “wherever” and radical leftist, anti-American, moronic, Democrat Party media propagandists question “Who says protests have to be peaceful” as cities burn and citizens are murdered and $2 billion of damage done, not seeing the need for personal protection is a prime example of Darwin’s Law.. Survival of the fittest and the prepared. Good Luck everybody. Call 911. In a week they will show up with your body bag —-or not!
      Who needs to provide their own defense in this environment? Intelligent people who want to live.
