Monday, January 16, 2023

Cover-Up Of the Classified Documents Fiasco

Make no mistake about it.  Attorney General Merrick Garland's appointment of a special counsel is about politics not justice. His action gives the White House cover to deflect any questions about President Biden's mishandling of classified documents. No information is the new Biden transparency.

The president's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rebuffed any reporter's questions about the president's lapse in protecting classified information in his possession, referring the media to the special counsel.  Of course, she knows the special counsel cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.

Because a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime, Biden anticipates the outcome will be a slap on the wrist.  Meanwhile, the special counsel will dither for 18 months to keep the lid on the scandal.  As the president's wingman, Garland did the president a solid by naming a prosecutor.

By now the whole world knows about the four batches of classified documents Biden took from the White House after his term as vice president ended. Those documents were removed by Biden from his office six years ago.  What took his lawyers so long to suddenly discover the government records? 

The answer should be obvious to all but Democrat partisans,  The first tranche of documents were uncovered by lawyers November 4, four days before the mid-terms.  The White House pollsters knew the Republicans were poised to take the House and launch probes of the president.

A White House team had already been assembled months before to prepare for a full court press by the House for Biden's documents. The team sent lawyers scurrying first to the Penn Biden Center located in Washington. Americans are supposed to believe Biden didn't tell his lawyers where to search.

Once Biden's crony Garland learned of the first batch of documents he asked the FBI on November 9 for an assessment. He did not order an FBI raid on Biden's residence. The FBI didn't snap photos of Biden's classified documents to distribute to the media. Double standards are Garland's idea of justice.

According to multiple news sources, the documents found at Penn Biden were top secret intelligence reports on Ukraine and Iran.   

When the story broke, the media immediately wrapped Biden in a protective cocoon.  The Penn Biden Center documents were not the same as the cache at President Trump's private residence.  Then classified documents were found at Biden's private residence.  Bet Karine didn't see that coming.

The media oligarchy did what it always does--dredging up former President Trump to defend Biden.  Poor old Joe just forgot he had these classified documents.  Trump deliberately took documents and locked them in his Florida residence.  Mean, bad Trump.  Joe gets a pass because he's "honest."

What a crock. The media is right about the difference in the two cases.  Biden went six years before the documents came to light. Documents were haphazardly squirreled away in four locations at Penn Biden and his residence. No one knew he had the documents. The FBI knew the location of Trump's cache.

After the raid on Trump's home, Biden told CBS that it was "irresponsible" for the former president to keep classified documents in his private residence.  Biden's words came back to haunt him after documents were uncovered in his private residence in three different places, including his garage.

But the documents also cast a spotlight on Biden's relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, raising more questions about the president's ethics.

With his classified documents in tow, Joe's Penn Biden Center gig proved to be very lucrative.  Biden's tax returns show the University of Pennsylvania paid Biden $911,644 between 2017 and the spring of 2019, when he stepped aside to formally announce his bid for the presidency.  

Biden's China connections from his time as vice president handsomely benefited the university. A review of Department of Education records shows Penn collected more than $67.6 million in donations from China between 2013 and 2019. The majority, $47.7 million, flowed during the years Biden was at Penn.

To shroud the identity of donors, Penn says it collected $20 million from anonymous donors.  Those donors should be disclosed by the university.  Just releasing a press statement acknowledging the money came from China is not transparency.  Did the university collect money from "foreign agents" of China?

Surely, this is a coincidence and has no connection to the former vice president's role in China under the Obama Administration.  Not to mention his son Hunter's extensive business dealings with Chinese firms. After all, Americans should trust Joe because well, he's honest. Nothing to see here.

Those coincidences are piling up because it has been discovered the Chinese money and grants to Penn, courtesy of the Biden connection, had a purpose.  After the FBI became concerned about Chinese money targeting American academia, Garland quietly reversed the bureau's initiative.  

But look, President Biden would never be involved in a quid-pro-quid with China.  If he had known he had classified documents, including some designated top secret, he would have turned them over to the National Archives.  He's just average, honest Joe, his media acolytes assure the public. 

Every day seems to expose another Biden scandal. Soon it's bound to permanently damage the president and end his hopes of running for a second term. Biden defenders will be left to crying, "But Trump was worse." Biden is president not Trump.  He should be judged on his own unethical behavior. 

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