Monday, July 8, 2024

Conspiracy To Cover Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

A political earthquake rattled the Democratic Party after President Biden's debacle in the first presidential debate.  A growing schism in the party over the president's cognitive fitness is roiling Washington. Biden's handlers and family are circling the wagons, hoping to stave off a party revolt.

A growing chorus of Democrats went public urging the president to gracefully exit the race in the face of plummeting poll numbers.  But a defiant Biden in an ABC interview made it clear he is pressing on, stubbornly insisting he was the best Democrat to beat former president Donald Trump.  

Amidst the turmoil, the lackey Biden mainstream media did the unthinkable. They turned on the president after propping him up for four years, despite a spate of public episodes offering evidence that Biden was neurologically impaired.  

Editorials and opinion pieces in The New York Times called for the president to bow out of the presidential race.  The Washington Post published a column with suggestions for a speech tailor made for Biden's  campaign withdrawal.    

The Times reported that at last month's G-7 meeting in Italy observers were said to be "shocked" at Biden's state.  Another unnamed official confessed Biden appeared to be "out of it," according to The Times. Other media felt emboldened by The Times reporting to pile on. 

A string of articles based on administration insiders painted a picture of an out-of-touch president, who is shielded by his staff from bad news in fear of igniting Biden's temper tantrums.  His handlers limit his schedule to a 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to avoid sapping the 81-year-old's mental and physical energy.

The media's sudden about face is prompted by a realization they can no longer lie about Biden to Americans who witnessed a decrepit president with their own eyes. The president's halting speech, raspy voice, nonsensical word salads and non sequiturs were on full display.   

Former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson undressed journalists covering the president for failing to "hold power accountable," while participating in a "massive coverup" with the White House to shield Biden's obvious mental decline.

"It is our duty to poke through White House smoke screens and find out the truth," Abramson said.  "The Biden White House clearly succeeded in a massive coverup of the degree of the President's feebleness and serious physical decline, which may be simply the result of old age."

Another respected liberal journalist Carl Bernstein told CNN how multiple well placed sources disclosed to him that Biden's abysmal debate performance was not atypical but increasingly representative of the president's mental fog.  Bernstein's sources reported 15-to-20 similar episodes.

The media knew.  But the powerful who control the nation's news outlets choose to deceive Americans.

Instead of independent reporting, the fawning media regurgitated press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's talking points.  Behind closed doors Biden runs circles around his staff.  His mental sharpness amazes everyone around him.  He has the energy of someone half his age.  All lies.  

The messaging was picked up by Democrat leaders such as House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Vice President Kamala Harris.  Biden is fully engaged and sharp these top Democrats swore.  Other Democrats chimed in right on cue.  More lies.

You would expect as much from Democrats panicked the truth about Biden would seep into the voters' conscious.  Even when online videos and Fox News documented the president's verbal stumbles, confusing and dazed appearance, Jean-Pierre called the visual evidence "deep fakes."

But the debate ended the charade.  The cellophane wrapped president appeared on television for 90 minutes looking every bit of his 81-years, pasty-faced, staring blankly in the distance and seemingly unable to summon up talking points that had been drummed in him for six days.

Those who blame Biden for not being truthful about his mental decline should point fingers at the media. Their job is to honestly report on the occupant of the White House even when they know the truth will help the hated Donald Trump.  But they were invested insulating Biden from criticism.

For example, the White House press corps never insisted that Biden stand for a full press conference until post-debate. Consistently answering reporters questions is a basic tenant of presidential coverage. Yet Biden has held the fewest press conferences since Ronald Reagan.  

At one point in 2022, Biden went nearly 200 days without being interviewed by an American TV journalist.  Jean-Pierre claimed the president had taken more questions than his predecessors combined. There was no push back from fact-checkers.  The White House press corps never challenged the lie.

Every American should be convinced the media cannot be trusted.  They willingly, knowingly participated in a conspiracy to coverup for Biden. The media cabal's sudden interest in exposing the truth is a sign they have new marching orders from Democrats hoping to oust Biden from the ticket.

The nation deserves an answer to these questions: "Who orchestrated this massive conspiracy that involved Vice President Harris, the media, cabinet members, donors, White House staff, congressional Democrats and foreign leaders? Were power brokers pulling the strings behind the scenes?"

The fallout from the coverup doesn't just rest on Biden's decision to obstinately stay in the race.  How can a man with serious cognitive issues remain president for four more months?  Can he be trusted with nuclear codes and critical midnight decisions? The nation is at risk every day Biden clings to power. 

Democrats should remind Biden he pledged to be a one-term president when he ran in 2020.  He admitted he was no "spring chicken." Perhaps he was being honest or it was just a ploy.  This will not end well for Biden, the Democratic Party or those who knowingly fed falsehoods to voters.

What will Biden and Democrats do?  First Lady Jill Biden and their grifter son Hunter Biden are isolating the president in a cocoon to ward off detractors. No one has been able to pierce the bubble. Jill and Hunter will not allow Biden to go quietly into the night.  

There is a nuclear option.  Democrat leaders, including Vice President Harris, could meet secretly with the president and threaten to invoke the 25th Amendment, which provides for removal of the chief executive if he is incapable of serving.  

Faced with the certainty of an ouster,  Biden could choose to magnanimously resign or suffer the humiliation of being thrown out of office. 

What if Biden calls their bluff?  Would Democrats really want to hang out to dry one of their own in a messy public flogging?  The next few weeks should provide some answers.  This writer's opinion is the party is stuck with Biden at the top of the ticket.   

Joy Reid, a co-host on ABC's The View, may have been prescient when she asserted on air she would vote for a comatose Joe Biden over Trump.  That perspective may be shared by large numbers of Democrats.  That's why a Biden candidacy may yet survive the political gallows.  

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