Thursday, July 1, 2010

Factiods That You Can Use

The Government Accountability Office, the single federal agency that remains independent of Obama Administration influence, released this week the results of its investigation of a $5 billion utilities program for the poor. Under the plan, the needy receive government funding to pay for heating and cooling of their homes. The agency's findings were shocking, even for a colossally inept government that has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars. The agency found evidence that the feds doled out $116 million in fraudulent claims. In fact, 11,000 of the recipients were dead. Other people assumed their identities and bilked the program of $3.9 million. Another 725 recipients were in prison. About 1,100 recipients of the government largess had more income that the maximum allowable, including one wealthy Chicago woman living in a $2 million mansion. Applicants used counterfeit documents, fake addresses and bogus landlords to perpetrate their deception. Program administrations were negligent in checking applicant documentation. The GAO's investigation covered seven states that administered about one-third of the program's funding in 2009. In other words, the real fraud number is much worse. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she was "very disturbed" by the findings. You'd think the madam secretary would have been red-faced enough to order a full investigation. No such luck. After all, the are more millions of dollars where those came from.

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