Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Factoids That You Can Use

Spending on advertising keeps rising, but traditional media's share of the multi-billion dollar pie is shrinking. According to ZenithOptimedia, global ad sales are expected to reach $447.5 billion this year. The research firm predicts spending on mobile advertising to grow 43.2 percent by 2012. Social media advertising expenditures are forecast to climb 30.2 percent during the same period. Meanwhile, the Internet will continue to command a higher share of every advertising dollar spent. Researchers estimate the Internet will garner 17 percent of all ad spending or about $82.7 billion by 2012. Those gains in mobile, social media and the Internet come at the expense of newspapers. In 1987, newspapers accounted for 40.6 percent of all advertising expenditures. By 2012, the print media's share will slip to 19.2 percent, according to forecasters. Is it any wonder that newspapers are going out of business at alarming rates? Yet the media industry continues to soldier on as though nothing has changed. The funeral dirge has begun for the newspaper industry, but the corpse remains in denial.

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