Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Happens After The Mid-Term Massacre?

Soothsayers, political pundits and media mush mouths are having a field day predicting what will happen when the Republican tide swamps Democrats in the mid-term elections. As you might expect, it is mostly conventional wisdom being preached as gospel by those with political axes to grind. And most of it is sheer nonsense.

Now it is time for a forecast you can bank on from a source you trust. In looking beyond the landscape of the Mid-Term Massacre, here is what you can expect in the weeks and months leading up to the seating of the new Congress in January:

First, President Obama can be counted on to thumb his nose at the results. There will be no statesmanship or conciliatory tone in the face of humbling defeat. Expect the President to do everything but admit the election results are a rejection of his policies. Instead, he will yak about how this is just something that happens in every mid-term election when the party of the president suffers losses. He will take no responsibility for voter anger, instead laying blame on his failure to communicate his achievements effectively and on Tea Party loyalists who lied about the state of the country without providing specific proposals. Count on him to also blab on about how outside money carried too much influence in the elections, robbing Democrats of a victory they richly deserved. (Never mind that unions dumped millions into campaigns, giving many Democratic candidates huge war chests that dwarfed their Republican opponents' funds.)

Conventional wisdom, as practiced in left-wing media such as The New York Times, argues the President will lurch to the center, a la Bill Clinton. It won't happen. Obama believes the country is wrong, not the other way around. He will continue to push his agenda. His secret weapon against the Republican onslaught will be his deficit reduction panel that has promised to produce a list of proposals for reducing the federal debt before the end of the year. The recommendations will surely contain massive tax increases. Obama can then point at Republicans and say, "Your own base wants to lower the deficit. You have to be willing to raise taxes to do so." Once the Republicans reject his proposals, the President will accuse the GOP of being disingenuous about lowering deficits.

Many of the nattering nabobs of negativism in the NPR world of fraudulent journalism are chattering about a few Republicans promises to "work with the president." Hogwash. Republicans have no incentive to join hands with a President who has spent the entire election cycle bashing the party like a birthday party pinata. Obama can expect a chilly reception for his agenda, which will send the media on a frenzied witch hunt to destroy Republican opposition by painting them as obstructionists. Expect the mainstream mouthpieces to cry foul at what it will call regressive partisanship--the same kind practiced with a vengeance by Democrats for the past two years.

As the president sees it, the Republican resurgence positions him strongly for the 2012 Presidential Election. Since this next election he cannot run against George Bush, he will lay blame for the country's lack of economic progress at the feet of the GOP to avoid the issue of his own failures. His rant will be that the "Party of No" has fought him tooth and nail on more aggressive government spending that would have produced millions of jobs. I know, it sounds like political suicide. But this is a President with a tin ear when it comes to listening to the body politic.

And don't expect the lame-duck Democrats to stand idly by as they abdicate their throne of power to the loathsome Republicans. Nancy Pelosi and her minions will be spoiling to punish the GOP for having the temerity to takeover their hallowed chamber. As a result, don't be surprised when Princess Pelosi and her Democrat Fiefs decide to build a fence around Obama Care to prevent the Republicans from overturning the law. Their last gasp power binge will also include a plethora of earmark legislation to help Democrats up for election next year. It also is a sure bet that the House will not extend the full Bush Tax cuts, electing to raise taxes on top wage earners. Pelosi's Bataan-like death march on Democracy will also include legislation aimed at citizenship for illegal Mexicans. Conventional wisdom says that Democrats won't try something like that because of the public outcry over a lame-duck Congress' attempts to ignore voters wishes. Hooey! Power-mad Pelosi will damn the torpedoes of criticism as she shoves the legislative medicine down the throats of Americans too stupid to vote Democratic. If that wasn't enough to raise your blood pressure, expect the Democratic-controlled investigations of fellow collaborators Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters to go quietly into the night with only a polite slap on the wrists for abhorrent ethical lapses.

As a result, the remainder of this Congressional session will go down as one of the nastiest in history. Bad legislation will belch from the bowels of Congress while the President wags his finger and lectures the country on its failure to recognize his political greatness. The American public will be left dazed in disbelief at all these shenanigans. It's not a pretty picture. But these are ugly political practitioners with chips on their defeated shoulders. You should expect nothing less than the worse.

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