Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Democrats Lawyering Up For Recounts

Today's mid-term elections are guaranteed to produce some razor-thin victory margins in many of the races. Polling shows many contests have tightened in the last week, particularly in previously safe Democratic strongholds. As a result, the difference in more than a few races could be hundreds of votes.

Among the contests that could produce cliff-hangers are the Senate races in Alaska and Nevada, where majority leader Harry Reid is in a desperate battle to save his seat. Alaska features a crowded field, including a write-in candidate campaign being waged by the incumbent. Throw in the mix the race in Washington, where the Senate contest has become a dogfight, and the voters can mail ballots up until today. That means the final count in Washington state probably won't be known until at least Friday.

As a result, these elections have the earmarks of down-to-the-wire races. Democrats are secretly sending out hordes of lawyers to places like Nevada to skulk around for voting irregularities in hopes of overturning the public will. Don't discount the Democratic Party's ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by using the courts and voting challenges to save its hide. Can anyone forget Al Gore's fight to overturn Florida's 2000's presidential election results?

Now that you have been warned, don't act surprised when Democratic election antics continue well into November.

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