Monday, February 1, 2016

Media Bias: Republicans Need To Grow a Spine

America's big media cartel reacted with near unanimous outrage after Republican presidential contender Donald Trump thumbed his nose at Fox News, blaming a moderator's bias for his decision to skirt the seventh GOP candidate debate.

Whether or not you agree with the candidate's decision, Trump's political calculus was to tap into a deep vein of overwhelming media distrust. For decades, Republicans have expressed their dismay over media favoritism towards Democratic Party candidates, particularly in presidential elections.

A nationwide poll last fall by Gallup found that only 32 percent of GOP voters have a positive attitude toward the news media.  On the other hand, a majority of Democrats (55 percent) view the media favorably. That chasm between the two groups is rooted in more than just prejudice.

Scientists at Cornell University developed an algorithm to sniff out bias in news reporting.  Using computers, the researchers combed through thousands of stories about politics from 275 news outlets, including television, radio, web and newspaper organizations.

In the report issued last year, the scientists reported "systematic bias" and objectively quantified its existence.  This was not the first time research had documented liberal media bigotry.  Those on the left of the political spectrum always dismiss such research because it does not fit their narrative.

But the facts are unassailable.  A 2004 study by two professors from California and Illinois reached the same conclusion about the liberal inclination of the news media.  The media slant was skewed to the left of even most liberals in Congress, the research confirmed.

Among the most biased news outlets are The New York Times, Time Magazine, CBS Evening News, USA Today and NBC Nightly News, according to the exhaustive study entitled, "A Measure of Media Bias."  If you are surprised by the list, then you are most likely a liberal.

There is evidence that most journalists are self-proclaimed Democrats. In fact, Democrat supporters among reporters and editors outnumber Republicans by a four to one margin.  These findings were released last year by two Indiana professors of journalism.

Their conclusion was contained in a report, "Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind."  They chronicled that a measly seven percent of all journalists consider themselves to be Republicans. Is there any wonder the media is in the tank for Democrats?

Those who cover Washington politics are even more likely to be Democrats.  More than 90 percent of them admit to voting Democratic, the research uncovered.  A large percentage even donate to the political funds of Democrat candidates for office.

A prime example of this is ABC's George Stephanopoulus, a former top operative in the Clinton White House.  He interviewed Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton last year, lobbing softball questions and fawning over her innocuous answers.

It was revealed after the interview that Stephanopoulus had secretly contributed $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation without telling his ABC bosses.  The pseudo journalist was forced to make a public apology for not disclosing his political connection and withdrew as a debate moderator.  

Episodes like this have only heightened Americans' distrust of the media. Gallup's annual poll in 2014 found that only 40 percent of people expressed a "great deal or fair amount of confidence" in the news media. That is a historic low since Gallup began surveying opinions of the media.

Despite the tsunami of evidence, those on the political left will never be convinced.  They continue to cling to their belief that media bias favors conservatives.  That notion has absolutely no basis in research but facts have never seemed to matter to liberals who consider themselves open minded.

Research aside, Trump's no show at the Iowa debate may backfire.  But his claim of being treated unfairly by the media resonates with many Republican voters, who are tired of GOP candidates kowtowing to journalists who routinely bash their party's standard bearers.

More Republican candidates need to stand up to a biased media, instead of heeding the advice of pundits to schmooze journalists. Expecting fair news treatment from a clearly liberal news cartel is foolhardy. Pandering to the media and hoping for a different result this time is irrational.

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