Monday, February 15, 2016

Obama: Islamophobia Rampant in America

America's lecturer-in-chief helicoptered to a Baltimore mosque to preach his recurring theme of Christian intolerance for Islam.  President Obama's choice of venues was curious considering the FBI just a few years ago arrested a member of the mosque for plotting to blow up a federal building.

During this month's visit with the Islamic Society of Baltimore, Mr. Obama couldn't resist giving Christians another black eye, suggesting they could use a few lessons in sensitivity and open-mindedness.

"If we're serious about freedom of religion--and I'm speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country--we have to understand, an attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths," a finger-wagging Mr. Obama scolded.

In his bloviated discourse, the president not once mentioned the slaughter of 14 innocent victims in the San Bernardino, California, shooting rampage, a terrorist attack committed by two Muslims. It was a lost opportunity to urge "peaceful" Muslims to condemn religious-inspired murders.

This is not the first time the president and his administration have sermonized about Christian persecution of Muslims in America.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch last December appeared at a Muslim Advocates dinner to condemn what she called "anti-Muslim hatred" in America.

"Since 9/11, we've had over 1,000 investigations into acts of anti-Muslim hatred, including rhetoric and bigoted actions, with over 45 prosecutions arising out of that," Lynch told the Muslim organization, which was celebrating its 10th anniversary in these prejudiced United States.

Using the attorney general's own statistics, it means in more than 14 years the government has prosecuted less than three cases annually of anti-Muslim hate crimes.  Based on those facts, Islamophobia hardly appears to be rampant in America.  It's almost non-existent.

You would think the attorney general would be better informed since the FBI director reports to her.   The bureau tracks hate crimes in the United States and publishes annual statistics.  Their numbers do not match the political bluster from either Ms. Lynch or the president.

In its latest report, the FBI counted 1,140 anti-religious crimes in 2014. The majority (56.8 percent) of the hate crimes were directed at Jews. Anti-Islamic crimes aimed at Muslims were 16.1 percent of the total. That means there were six times as many anti-Jewish cases.

In 2012, the FBI reported 1,166 anti-religious hate crimes in the U.S. The figure had dipped to 1,140 by 2014, a drop of two percent.  The statistics do not support the theory that Americans are becoming more intolerant of religion.  The numbers suggest the exact opposite.

Both President Obama and Attorney General Lynch know better.  So why do they persist in harping about America's assault on Muslims?  If they were genuinely concerned about hate crimes, they should visit a synagogue to address the anti-Jewish sentiment that remains a blight on America's soul.

As usual with the Obama Administration, its motivation is clearly political. The president and his party are openly courting Muslims to become another reliable Democratic Party voting block.  Mr. Obama's political modus operandi is to divide the country along racial, ethnic and gender lines.

It seems to be working.  According to the Pew Research Center, more than 70 percent of Muslims self-identify as Democrats.  Only 11 percent call themselves Republicans. There are about 1.8 million Muslim adults living in the U.S., the center's research indicates.

But the Muslim population is growing faster than any other religious group.  By 2050, Pew projects the numbers of Muslims in America will more than double, surpassing Judaism as the second-largest religious demographic in the U.S., behind only Christianity.

Not only are Muslims having larger families, America has flung open its borders to accommodate a greater influx from abroad.  In 2012 alone, more than 100,000 Muslims immigrated to the United States.  Each year Muslims account for a greater percentage of new arrivals to America.

Those eye-opening figures guarantee that the Democratic Party narrative will continue to portray Muslims as victims.  Their willing accomplices in the big media cabal serve as echo chambers for the unsubstantiated anti-Islamic charges.

Americans may not be perfect, but they are the most tolerant people on Earth.  If they weren't, this nation would not be home to so many diverse ethnic, racial and gender groups for Democrats to convert to victimhood.

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