Monday, November 28, 2016

Democrats Scheme To Delegitimize Election

Imagine it's 2008.  Barrack Hussein Obama has been elected president. A day after his victory, protests erupt in major cities.  Movie stars warn they will flee to Canada.  The opposition  party trashes his character. The media denigrates those who voted for a political novice.

If this sounds far fetched, then just substitute the name of president-elect Donald J. Trump for Mr. Obama in that opening paragraph. There would have been moral outrage from all quarters had President-elect Obama suffered the same slings and arrows.

Mr. Trump has not even taken the oath of office and the vicious attacks have begun.  Do you recall Republicans rioting in the streets after Mr. Obama's election?  Did the media seek out Mitt Romney supporters distraught over a black president?  Were whites fleeing to Canada? Crickets.

After the Democratic Party and its standard bearer Hillary Clinton were thoroughly rejected by voters, the media narrative is that white racists, misogynists and homophobes are responsible for Mr. Trump's triumph. He won because he appealed to Americans' base prejudices.

We have that on the authoritative word of election expert Mr. Obama, who has jetted around the globe trying to poison foreign relations by worrying out loud about the direction of one nation under Donald J. Trump.  Does anyone remember George W. Bush embarking on a similar tour? Crickets.

Electoral College members are being harassed by Clinton loyalists to ignore their state's voters and back their flawed candidate.  The Green Party and the Clinton campaign have joined forces to demand recounts in several states in a thinly veiled attempt to undermine the peaceful transition of power.

As a reminder, during the presidential campaign Ms. Clinton excoriated Mr. Trump for his comments about a rigged election.  "Anyone who does not accept the results of the election is a threat to Democracy," she thundered at a campaign rally.  Her own words now convict her.

Meanwhile, George Soros-funded faux activist groups are flooding the streets with paid demonstrators in cities across the country.  A compliant media covers the protests as if these were spontaneous reactions to a Trump presidency.  The outcry is nothing more than propaganda.

Democrats are lining up on liberal media expressing their concerns over Mr. Trump's cabinet, while he still fleshes out his choices.  The media is howling that Mr. Trump is dallying, although it took Mr. Obama six weeks to announce his first choices to serve on his Beltway team.

Every one of these incidents is part of a clandestine orchestrated effort by Democrats and their accomplices to render the Trump presidency dead-on-arrival.  They used the same tactic against Mr. Bush, calling him an illegitimate president after his narrow win in 2000.

In an attempt to impugn Mr. Trump's victory, the Democrat Party-controlled media has reminded Americans that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.  According to the current tally, she has a 1.4 million vote lead out of 123 million ballots that were cast in the election.

That means the margin is barely one percent.  To put that in perspective, Ms. Clinton beat Mr. Trump by nearly four million votes in California.  Without that lopsided margin in a single state, Ms. Clinton would have lost the popular vote as well as the electoral count.

Another fact you will not read in the mainstream media:  Mr. Trump won 3,084 out of 3,141 counties stretching across America's heartland. Ms. Clinton rolled up big vote margins in an elite band of 52 counties located on opposite coasts of the country.  The remainder of America was a sea of red.

Democrats have a lot more to worry about than Mr. Trump.  Since Mr. Obama ascended to the White House, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 12 governorships.  With the exception of narrow slices of the East and West coasts, Republicans are dominating elections.

Instead of using their resources to declaw Mr. Trump, Democrats would be better served to figure out why the electorate has turned on their party.  Their constant harping about Mr. Trump and his supporters won't win them any converts.  Hillary Clinton tried that tactic and was drubbed.

But Democrats can't help themselves.  When they lose, they blame the dumb voters and brand the winner as an unlawful pretender to the presidency.  This time no one is listening but their dwindling base of voters.

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