Monday, November 21, 2016

Grandchildren: Giving Thanks For the Little Ones

When Thanksgiving arrives each season, it is a reminder there are few treasures in life to be cherished more than grandchildren. They tug at our crusty hearts, induce wrinkled smiles and love us even if we are creaky, old-fashioned and smell funny.

Nothing in life compares to the squeal of a grandchild.  That sound of utter joy when you waddle into their room or shower them with a gift or repeat the same story you have told one hundred times before. A grandchild has the power to uplift those of us battling the indignities of age.

Grandchildren are truth tellers.  Don't ask them a question unless you want an honest answer. They are incapable of political correctness. What tumbles out of the mouths of these babes is authentic, unfiltered. Unlike adults, they are uncomplicated and sincere.

These little ones know you love them, but not just because of your expressions of affection for them. Grandchildren have a sixth sense about grandparents.  Somewhere in their DNA there is a gene that triggers an emotional connection with grandparents.

Grand kids make you feel special every time you are in their company. Sure, they enjoy the presents you tote to their house, but grandchildren are comforted by your mere presence.  They show their gratitude by hugging your leg, clambering up into your lap or squeezing your neck.

When they kiss and hug you, all of the world's troubles evaporate. They are affectionate by nature and nothing delights them more than receiving your approval.  When you least expect it, they blurt out, "I love you."  The sound of those three words is like a heavenly angelic chorus.

Grandchildren offer the best gifts.  A hand-scrawled drawing from a grandchild is worth more than a Picasso or a Van Gough.  Refrigerators were created to hold these priceless paintings made by tiny hands.  A barely legible signature at the bottom of the artwork creates a lasting memory.

Grand kids innately understand when their grandparents could use a boost.  They pluck a flower from a park and hand it to you with a grin. "This is for you because you are my grandma," a grandchild giggles. What can you do but laugh and feel grateful for the experience of this small gesture?

When a toddler places his palm in your hand, there is a tenderness that is difficult to explain to those who have never felt the touch of a grandchild. In that moment, memories of your own children rush into your consciousness, kindling a longing for those days when they were under your roof.

There is something astonishing about holding your grandchild in your arms.  It feels like only yesterday you clutched your children in the same way.  How did those times fade so quickly? Grand kids allow you to close your eyes and dream about the way it was with your own children.

Having a grandchild spend a day or a week at your house tops any expensive vacation.  It's your time alone without snoopy parents around to issue rebukes about indulging your grand kids' appetite for ice cream. When they leave, you count down the days until their next visit.

Every grandchild is born with an instruction manual telling each one how to manipulate grandparents. A pouty plea or a wistful wish from a grand kid is impossible to resist. They know it, you know it, but neither of you cares.

Reading to grandchildren is a pleasure without equal.  They fidget, tilt their little heads, lean into you for warmth and mouth the words along with you.  It is hard to concentrate on the text as you watch their eyelids flutter with the approach of sleep.

Best of all you can see the future by looking into the eyes of a grandchild.  Their destiny is filled with light, love and high expectations.  You may be experiencing your final revolution around the sun, but your grandchild has a whole life to live.  It makes your future less scary.

Be thankful for your grand kids.  They are God's gift to a world that could use more of their unique brand of unconditional love.

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