Monday, July 27, 2020

Coronavirus: How China Hoodwinked the World

Just when America thought the Coronavirus had been staunched, it has struck again with a vengeance. As cases and deaths rise, the political blame game is in full swing.  Scapegoats are needed for every American crisis.  The media plays pin the tail on the politician. Incrimination is in season.

Many sincere Americans seem to have amnesia about where this virus originated.  It sprung from the city of Wuhan in China and galloped throughout the world.  Few countries have been immune from its deadly tentacles.  Americans need to wake up to China's role in covering up the pandemic.

The Communist regime in China deliberately hid the outbreak in December of 2019.  In collusion with the World Health Organization (WHO), the corrupt government used propaganda to coverup how the virus was transmitted.  Communist censors muzzled doctors and scientists in their country.

To support these allegations, there is evidence from many sources. Beginning in December, twenty-seven people were hospitalized in Wuhan with what was diagnosed as a mysterious pneumonia. Eight doctors in the hospital attempted to warn their colleagues on social media about the outbreak.

When their posts went viral, the Communists deleted their messages. The local police summoned the doctors and demanded they sign a pledge to cease their "rumor mongering" about the outbreak.  This incident triggered a massive coverup of epic proportions by Communist leaders.

Recent medical studies and investigations have revealed the extent of the masquerade.  In its first report, the Wuhan health commission claimed the first patient to exhibit symptoms was hospitalized on December 12.  It later revised the date to December 8 without explanation.

A study published by the Lancet medical journal divulged the first patient presented symptoms on December 1.  That means the Communist government knew long before the outbreak was announced within China on December 31.  What the Communists did next is a stunning duplicity.

The Chinese National Health Commission released statements on January 10 reassuring the public the disease was contained at the same time hospitals in Wuhan were swamped with infected patients. Meanwhile, China allowed citizens to continue to travel worldwide without checking for symptoms.

When word of the pandemic began to seep out of China, the government health authorities denied the disease could be transmitted between humans.  WHO, citing Chinese research, issued a public statement on January 14 claiming there was "no clear evidence" of human-to-human transmission.

It was a deliberate lie.  On January 20, Communist health officials, faced with mounting evidence of a deadly pandemic, were forced to admit the Coronavirus was a contagious pathogen that could indeed be carried from human-to-human.  The subterfuge blindsided the rest of the world.

Once Chinese officials acknowledged the inevitable, they locked down Wuhan.  No one could leave the city without government permission. Metro lines, railways, flights and ferries were shutdown. The regime later extended the strict quarantine to 15 other nearby cities, affecting 50 million people.

Guards patrolled the providence of Hubei, where the quarantine was ordered, to enforce an edict requiring citizens to shelter in place. Violators who ventured outdoors were rounded up and jailed. These harsh restrictions, not testing, were responsible for the containment.

But it was too late.  The virus had erupted into a furious pandemic.  Chinese media giant Caixin ran an expose February 29 outlining how authorities suppressed information that would have alerted its citizens. Caixin reported the government even had DNA samples of the virus but kept it secret.

"Tests from multiple labs in December suggested there was an outbreak of a new virus.  However, the results failed to trigger a response that could have prepared the public," the investigative report concluded.  Caixin, 40% owned by the Chinese regime, showed courage in running the article.

While the rest of the world remained in the dark, the Chinese government filled warehouses full of ventilators, masks, medical supplies, drugs and other materials.  China is the global manufacturer and supplier of many of these items.  It was no coincidence that China was prepared for the worst.

Throughout the pandemic, Chinese officials lied about the extent of the cases and deaths. Researchers who analyzed local data from Wuhan and other Hubei Province cities noticed the tallies did not match the data reported by China's National Health Commission.

In Shandong Province, the local CDC kept an internal record of samples that tested positive for the virus. The official government data deflated the numbers. In Liaoning Province, health authorities were instructed by the government to destroy documents and data on Coronavirus cases.

Wuhan health commission internal documents reviewed by journalists found 91 positive samples were recorded on March 14.  That same day the Chinese regime publicly reported four new cases.  Eventually, the regime ordered all samples dispatched to Beijing for analysis to manipulate the data.

It is naive to believe China has only recorded a little more than 83,000 cases and 4,635 deaths in a country of 1.39 billion.  In Beijing, a city with a population of 20.4 million, China's health leaders have reported 929 cases and nine deaths.  Those numbers are preposterous.

Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who fled to the United States in April, has provided a peek underneath the Chinese government's facade. The immunologist corroborated that China knew in December about the extent of the virus but camouflaged the news from the rest of the world.

Dr. Yan has detailed how propaganda was used by top officials, including President Xi Jinping.The immunologist has evidence doctors and scientists in China tried to contradict the government's false claims about the virus, but were prevented from contacting WHO or Chinese health authorities.

Dr. Yan, who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, was given the opportunity to investigate an odd cluster of virus cases coming out of mainland China at the end of 2019. The Communist government refused to allow her to visit China to gain data.

She reached out to her extensive network of professional contacts within China to determine what her colleagues knew about this new virus.  After gaining some initial cooperation, the doctors and researchers suddenly clammed up.  They acknowledged they were told not to talk about the virus.

Dr. Yan discovered "hospital doctors were scared" but advised her that people needed to start wearing masks. After reporting her findings about the virus to her supervisor on January 16, she was warned to "keep silent and be careful."  Dr. Yan alleges WHO knew about the seriousness of the virus.

A frustrated Dr. Yan acknowledged that she suspected collusion "because I know the corruption among this kind of international organization like the WHO to China government and to China Communist Party."  When Dr. Yan decided to speak out, she risked her life and career.

After officials got wind of her suspicions about the virus, she feared for her safety.  Her husband, a reputable scientist in Hong Kong, cautioned her "they will kill all of us" if she persisted in exposing the truth. Dr. Yan made a decision April 28 to leave Hong Kong for the U.S. without her husband.

China can no longer escape blame for the spread of the Coronavirus. Had the Communists been transparent and alerted health agencies in every country the virus could have been stopped in its tracks. Nations, economies and ordinary people have suffered needlessly because of China.

Let's stop playing political games by accusing our own officials of neglect.  Our anger should be reserved for the Chinese regime.  They lied about the virus and hid the facts from the world.  And they encouraged its global transmission by allowing flights to continue in the midst of the pandemic.

America and its allies must not allow China to go unpunished for spreading misery and death. Doing nothing is an invitation to the despots ruling the country to use future pandemics to achieve its goal of world domination through deliberate deceptions, false propaganda and deceitful tactics.

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